how to tell if your bud is organic?


Well-Known Member
Besides the weed tasting good and the weed tasting like shit is the only way i can tell if weed is organic or chemicals. what is a good indication? I seem to only get tasteless buds when they are indoor for some reason when i buy from medical shops. like I would get a hint of the flavor and it goes away rather quickly when i smoke bud i know is not organic but the high is good and long lasting but still dose not satisfy me.


Well-Known Member
you cant tell unless the grower or soe one knows it was organic grown, and even then it might just be organic based weed. cant trust what any one says now days


Active Member
It's hard to tell the difference. Once I got some bud that must not have been flushed it tasted like a box of miracle grow smells, totally gross. However if grown by someone who knows what they are doing, it's hard to tell. I think that one of the bigger crimes of this prohibition is the fact that most of us are inhaling shit that we don't know where it came from, who grew it or what it was grown with. Even if you only deal with people you know and trust there is always a chance that guy before them is pulling some shady shit.