How to treat an over fertilised plant ?


I believe my plant is over fertilised and isn't drinking the water because it has to much nutrients in it maybe? I'm doing organic grow and it has all the signs of over fertilising.
I'm 4 weeks and 4 days into flowering !
What should I do from here?


Well-Known Member
Pics are quite helpful when asking for advise. Have you checked your pH? If its a nute overload your gonna have to flush..been there myself quite recently


Well-Known Member
Another classic example of overdoing it.....why not just start with a good soil/soiless mix, then just feed with a compost tea.....totally organic and hassle-free, plus you save a shit ton of $ not buying overpriced nutes. Find a good link about Compost Tea and get started !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
flush it and fast, the sooner the better. ph the water and flush it as much as 2 times the size of the pot. no pun intented