How to water my new autofem sprouts? And are these buds ready?


Well-Known Member
just as the title says.... Do I water/grow an auto fem the same as any normal plant?

ALSO do you think these buds are done? Quick dried a bud and it def got me high, but nothing like it should have!



Well-Known Member
Oh and I've only got 1 30 watter over top of each sprout as u can see... When should i add more? And what spectrum? Soft white or daylight??


Active Member
Looks good in about a week when it gets its second set of true leaves transplant to your final pot because autos can get root bound very fast, also no nutes atleast till you start to flower and then give only 1/4 to 1/6 of a dose and work your way up its very eazy for autos to get nute burn. What kind of soil are you gona use???? I mix ffof with half perilite but 1/4 perilite works well also I just like to water more often. good luck my brother

peace and love


Active Member
1 30 watt over each one is fine for now you could add a few more in 1-2 week I dont think you could get to much light with cfls just dont get to much heat.Types: CFL's come in mainly two flavors, Soft White (color temperature 2700k) and Daylight (color temperature 6500k). For a complete CFL grow, you should use both. Soft white mimics the spectrum of a HPS light, and is best suited for flowering. Daylight's color spectrum is like that of metal halide lights, and is excellent for the vegetative stage. (This applies to tubes too. Around 6500k for veg, around 2700k for flower.)

peace and love

La Brigada

Well-Known Member
nice looking plant man, do you have a scope to check the trichs? they look ready to me, but i couldnt say im sure...are u flushing?


Well-Known Member
Plant don't look ready to me IMO....maybe 2weeks ish?
Still loads of white pistils not even receding but you do need to check the Tric's.
and again just MY OPINION don't flush. Up to you. Depends on nutes etc you used.


Well-Known Member
Plant don't look ready to me IMO....maybe 2weeks ish?
Still loads of white pistils not even recedingbut you do need to check the Tric's.
and again just MY OPINION don't flush. Up to you. Depends on nutes etc you used.
Yeah that's what I was thinking also.... 2 weeks!

And thanks for everyones input just didn't know how the lighting and feeding went....

And I always use my own version of the ffof, all organic nutes and fertilizers as well. The plants praises me for it


Well-Known Member
nice looking plant man, do you have a scope to check the trichs? they look ready to me, but i couldnt say im sure...are u flushing?
I just dosed with the last of all organic nutes, it will be "flushed" so to speak though.... from here to about Christmas (fuck it - their getting pulled on CHRISTMAS!!!!), it will be like opening ANOTHER Christmas present!!! lol... I don't have money for a microscope so fucked on that end.... I have a nice 3x'er but that's it. Guess I'll just harvest when most of those hairs turn from white to something else... lol I'm still confused on the half this color, half that color thing.... the big ones seem really tight and compact up top, but underneath is still "hairy" and "airy" so to speak.
When they are ready to harvest and dry, I hope you don't "quick dry" it all....I hope you know about Curing.
Yea, no quick drying going on when the big boys and the rest of the plant is chopped.... I was just doing that as a sample, it gets ya high but its nothing special. It doesn't last long at all. But than again, I've been practically burning the bastards just so I could have some smoke (broke) and just to see if it was ready.