

Well-Known Member
give them time away from whatever shocked them, be it overwatering, too much light, temp etc. Just take care of them and be patient.


Active Member
When I take my clones, I like to use my start trays and high humidity domes. I like a 24 hour light cycle on them at about 3 feet away. Nothing strong just a small clip on grow light. I water them with just water first 3 days and cover back up. After 3 days I feed 1/4 strength silica and cal mag every other day.. on leaves and soil. Remember they can’t take in nutes through roots yet so you have to baby feed their leaves. Keep them covered and at 75-80. Take clones at 4”. They should do well for you! Good luck!!

GimmieThe Loot

Well-Known Member
give them time away from whatever shocked them, be it overwatering, too much light, temp etc. Just take care of them and be patient.
I got the clones from somebody and I put a slight organic nutrient substance in the soil when I prepped it for the clones... so I'm guess the transplant shocked them...?


Active Member
here they r i just transplanted them on 12/22
From the pics, looking at the tips and the form of the plants, I really hold tight to less nutes!! Maybe just PH water for the next feeding , then light nutes. The tips have slight curl and are lighter. My best judgment says to much too soon my be the issue. Slowing down won’t hurt and will give your plants some time to get it together!