
Am I unable to "like" posts yet, or am I just way too stoned for this forum system? Both?
Definitely both, but mostly the first option (I read the FAQ, new users can't like posts).
Just the first time I've experienced not being able to like posts as a newb-condition. :)

I was fairly stoned, but then I got more stoned later (smoked a quick bowl before posting, ate a butter laden piece of toast after).
Sadly I'm not sure I have anything exotic... I used to have a mess of early 2000s seeds, but I blew through it over the years. Definitely regret some of the stuff I lost (thinking of you, GSUS).
Sadly I'm not sure I have anything exotic... I used to have a mess of early 2000s seeds, but I blew through it over the years. Definitely regret some of the stuff I lost (thinking of you, GSUS).
I have located a dude who has GSus from Reeferman I'm trying to get beans from him now
How yous going? Newbie here and wondering when can I start liking posts or sending PM’s? Thank you.

I'm not sure what the actual numbers are but if the 'Like" thing is present and not greyed out you should be able to use it.

For PM's that may take longer but if you need to contact a poster you can always use @ in front of their user name in a post to draw attention to your question or just say something like 'Hey @User what do you think or 'Please PM me'

Once a regular user PMs you you can PM them back. If they swipe left then that won't work. ;)

The limits are there to keep the trolls and spammers away and it won't be long before it's no problem for you. The more you post and the more likes you get help your cred score too.
