How's it doin? (pics)


Active Member
Goin on about 3 weeks. Plants were closer to light, but they kept touching so I had to move it up. Thats why they look stretched.



Well-Known Member
its okay if they touch that flora bulb...I would get some big pots and replant them up to that very 1st set of will get rid of your strech and this time keep that flora on them 2 inches is as far as it should be away..have you seeen my plant bushhhhhhhhy trust me..


Active Member
thanks for the advice, i don't currently have any bigger pots (or enough soil for that matter). anyone else wanna critique my first grow? been feedin them 5-1-1 fish emulsion the past week which is when the majority of the growth has occurred.


Well-Known Member
you need alot of nitrogen right now, try MG 24-8-16 get your lights 1-2" off plant tops! they will burn only if touching for about 1-2 days! you have to keep moving the lights up as they grow, especially with flourescents! see my grow? the top shelf plants are about 2" away from the lights. get a fan on them to strengthen stems



Active Member
Yea those lights need to be much closer. Also, if you have enough ($20) you should buy a few 40watt "daylight" compact fluorescents. The spiral bulbs. Youd be suprised how much it will help your plants to grow faster and bushier. You can get these lights just about anywhere, homedepot/lowes, a wal-mart. I've seen cfls in grocery stores even. Good luck and happy smokin:joint::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Right on jdob, check my grow journal , youll be amazed what a few cfl's will do for your updating pics tomorrow, my two babes are in 12/12...the nodes are a bit spaced because of using a 120 plant light that was so hot i had to keep in 2 feet off the plants when i started...
Sorry to get distracted from the subject, you know bein stoned.....But yeah, lights look to far away, get a fan to strengthen roots ant stems...they need to breathe...