Hows it looking?


Active Member
I germinated some seeds the start of summer and planted them. The plant is 8 days old from the time it sprouted out of the soil. I would just like to know how it is doing so far? :bigjoint:

It seems like a strong plant so far and a nice shade of green, (Probably can't see to well cause of camera phone) but I notice other plants around the forum at the same age looking a lot bigger in size. I assume this is because I'm growing outdoors and its just a bag seed while most people here are growing primo stuff.

So far it has the four leafs it began with and it is just beginning to grow another set of leafs right above the pointed leafs. Any suggestions on how to improve my grow would be greatly welcomed!



Active Member
Tight, I have another one in the yard that is catching up quick. Its just a little smaller and I planted it about 3 or 4 days after. It is in the actual ground though as this one is in a self watering pot. (Just reconnected the self watering part and filled it up with water about a day ago) Also I have a couple more that sprouted today :)