Hows this for soil and ferts? (first time grower)

After doing a lot and a lot of research, i think i may have a recipe for success.
ive got seeds coming, but i am hoping to test my setup with 2 bagseeds ive got.

anyway heres what i have:

- floragard german (organic i think) soil. contains mostly bog peat, some guano and clay, and a bit of sand. pH: 5-6.5 i think it says, but im sure i can raise that to 7 with distilled watering and maybe some lime.
- ive also got 2 bags of what seems to be a mixture of coco peat perlite and vermiculite, in undisclosed ratios. one is white, one is brown and looks more like coco peat.

ive read that coco peat can be used on its own.. but is it suitable to add to this soil mix?

then for ferts ive got organic ALASKA fertilizers made with fish and my veg ferts are 7-2-2 and flower 5-8-3.

Does anyone have any insight into my case? I'd really appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
Hard to say much about this. What kind of lights, pot size, seed starting method and grow area? Good luck with your grow, but if you want help you need to give a little more info. I've never seen Alaska fertilizer, but the ratios seem about right.
Thanks for the replies!

ive got a 400 W philips MH light. i dont have a pot yet, but could be anything. is it better to get a pot with drainage holes or none? my grow area is a section of a little attic/store room. the section is around 4 by 3 feet and 6 feet tall. it should be enough for a couple plants. i am going to germinate my seeds in a wet paper towel.

EDIT: i forgot to add, the room is equipped with a full on air conditioner already. i will add a small dehumidifier if the AC is not enough and a small fan. as well, the room is crammed with suitcases, old bags, and generally junk that usually sits in ones store room. does this in any way cause a problem?

again sorry with the newb questions. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are off to a pretty good start. The pots need drainage holes or the roots could rot. I start my seeds directly into 1 gallon pots and then move them up to 5 gallon or bigger to flower. The MH will be great for vegging, but HPS works best for flowering.
if i cant afford an HPS, what would be the drawback of using an MH all the way through? is it true that i will yield fluffier lighter nugs? if so does that mean my actual final yield mass will be lower? and last but not least, if it is a problem is it possible to combat it by adding a few warm white cfls to even out the spectrum?

thanks again, extremely helpful!
toke on bros