How's this setup look?

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Well, I'm going to eat my own words and invest in an HPS fixture. I really like the idea of a grow tent also but im very limited on space. This is the setup I'm currently looking at for my closet, . Here are a few questions I have:

How freaking hot will it get with a 250w HPS bulb inside a tent so small and how are ways to cool it off?

How many plants can you keep inside a 2' by 3' space? (doesn't seem like more than 1 to me?)

Whats the best way to exhaust the smell? I am in a very crammed apartment and want to keep it very discrete.


It will get hot in the tent, need to run venting with a fan sucking the hot air out the top. Then open a bottum vent or 2 for a passive air intake. 4 - 2 would fit. 4 would be tight..


New Member
nah people grow more in the same amount of space, lots of people. its all about how you maintain, trim or train the plant to grow, if done correctly you can grow several plants in a pretty small space, still yielding some amazing results.

if you directly exhaust the light outside the tent into a room, you will be fine. 250w light wont get that hot with good ventilation. just make sure you have fans inside the tent as well.

for smell there are plenty of small odor control items you could buy ONA makes some for instance, you can also type in DIY carbon filters and find ways to make your own with cheap items found in aquarium stores or pet shops.


Well-Known Member
You could do four plants in there easily, possibly six, depends mainly on what strains you're growing, how long you veg your plants before 12/12, and what size pots you use...but there's plenty of space in there for a decent grow. Def will need a good carbon filter to attach to that 6" inline fan that comes with it...there's diy threads here on RIU or you could just buy one, should take care of the smell once you're into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good. You can actually do a lot of plants in there and get better yields for your space. You could grow 20 plants @ 5 SQ feet and do 4 plants per foot. I have grown 4 plants per foot for a long time on 4X4 and 4X8 tables. Would be easier to do 2 plants per foot giving you 10 plants total. Just veg the plants until they are about 8-10 inches tall then flip them. You want them toend up at about 18-20 inches tall. If they look like they are going to get too tall hit them with Bushmaster and stop the vertical growth.

I'd make sure you get a Hortilux bulb and not some generic bulb they include. Will make a big difference. Small cabon filter attatched to a small exhaust fan and you should be all set. Is that hood air coolable? If not you want one that is or heat will really build up. Make sure you put the ballast outside the tent if you can because they create a lot of heat. I would also add a small fan to circulate the air in the room.

FYI you could get 10 of these to fit in a room like that no problem. This was grown 2 plants per SQ foot. It is 35 days into bloom with 3-4 weeks to go.


Or 20 of these (same strain but a lot more pruning done to keep it a single cola)


lvl i k e y

Active Member
dlively11, those plants look outstanding. I would like to put as many plants as possible in the tent to maximize yield, so I was thinking 6 plants and I'm going to LST. Few questions...

Will the 250w light be enough for the 6 plants. or too much?

How well do the carbon filters work I frequently have people over and they do NOT need to know. (small 2 bedroom apartment)

It has a 250w HPS/MH 2 in one thing I have never seen. Would the MH benefit my vegging more than my 4ft 6 bulb t-5 fixture?

Thanks for you input


Well-Known Member
dlively11, those plants look outstanding. I would like to put as many plants as possible in the tent to maximize yield, so I was thinking 6 plants and I'm going to LST. Few questions...

Will the 250w light be enough for the 6 plants. or too much?

How well do the carbon filters work I frequently have people over and they do NOT need to know. (small 2 bedroom apartment)

It has a 250w HPS/MH 2 in one thing I have never seen. Would the MH benefit my vegging more than my 4ft 6 bulb t-5 fixture?

Thanks for you input
Thank you. You could LST but honestly its more work and takes more time then doing more smaller plants. Smaller plants are easier to get nice big colas on as well. Honestly I would want atleast a 400 watt for that space. 600 would be better. Power usage would still be small. Will run hotter then the 250 but nothing a decent fan couldnt handle. you just need a regular HPS bulb. Combo bulbs dont work as well. Get a Hortilux bulb too. See my comparison with a cheap bulb here. Get a good bulb or you could be sorry. Carbon filter would work perfectly in your room. Plus your tent will only really smell very string for a few weeks every round.

Your 6 bulb T5 will work pretty good for vegging actually. I use T5s for veg . If you are doing large plants you might want to use HPS. Toss ten plants like mine shown above and life will be easier and you will be very happy with the results. You would be able to get a easy 10-15 OZ dried and cut every 8 weeks if you arent vegging in the tent.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
What's the key to keeping the plants small like the picture above. My first grow I tried my t-5's throughout the whole grow and my plants were 4 foot tall lol (bad I know). Actually turned out pretty decent buds though, still airy but I know thats because of the lights. you have any advice for keeping the plants smaller so I could keep more, or have any websites that explain or anything.

Thanks again


New Member
the way you get small plants, is with topping, training them to grow outward instead of straight up or just flowering them early. most people will veg their plants for way too long when they first start growing not realizing how big they actually will get, some say they double in size, a lot of the times with good genetics they always triple in size for me.

so its best to make sure you do these things, topping them is the easiest way as well as just flowering them early, if you want to get really serious you can go out and attempt a screen of green method (scrog), buying pvc pipe and building a barrier from which the plants cant really pass easily, the key to scrog is trying to push a node into each hole of the strings grid. just type scrog in google and you will find tons of people willing to teach you to understand it more, i would love to go on but without the pictures i dont think most will understand as clear as they should so i suggest googling anything you ever need answers for.

what it will do is not only keep your plants shorter but also give a really even canopy of light, it takes a lot of effort for this method though as you have to watch and push the nodes pretty frequently until flowering, also if it isnt done correctly like LST you can damage your plants pretty badly so make sure you read as much as you can if you want to try this. it is great though because all your buds if done correctly will be nearly the same height with their own individual space giving them the most light possible to the whole plant, versus 1 tall and huge cola with a bunch of uneven nodes growing around it all fighting for light.


New Member
a easier method of something like the scrog, would be just buy string, once your plant develops long inner nodes, you can start tying them down to your preference to mold the canopy the way you would like to get it more even, while searching for scrog you should come across a lot of people who do this as well, pretty self explanatory just buy string and tie em down to something, or to the pot your growing in.


Well-Known Member
If you want small plants, choose an indica strain and grow sog, basically little or no veg time, straight into 12/12, single cola plants. I would go 400w at least. A small inline fan (a 4 or 5 inch job, with a carbon can will do the trick.)

Good luck, DST

What's the key to keeping the plants small like the picture above. My first grow I tried my t-5's throughout the whole grow and my plants were 4 foot tall lol (bad I know). Actually turned out pretty decent buds though, still airy but I know thats because of the lights. you have any advice for keeping the plants smaller so I could keep more, or have any websites that explain or anything.

Thanks again