HPS Buyers guide help


Well-Known Member
So my old setup involved CFLs and im thinking of moving up to a HPS setup the only thing is i have no idea what to look for. i mean im thinking of a 200W system but i have no idea what kind of reflector is best and at the risk of being flamed i have no idea what a Ballast is,does,or how to hook it up. all help appreciated


Well-Known Member
How many plants are you growing? as for the reflector it depends on your grow space. If your growing in a small space you'll want a reflector that hooks up to an exhaust vent. don't be scared of a ballast either these lights just plug right in

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
Well in the land of hps 200 probably only exists in lighting for industrial purposes. You would have to choose 175w or 250w in that range but you are missing the most important piece of info how big is the area you need to light. The 250 is the same physical size as the 400's so they will fit into anything that says it will fit a 400. If you need more help than that we need more info.


Well-Known Member
also my walls are covered in mylar (not real mylar just reversed wrapping paper but ive ben told its just as good) if that has any influence on the type of reflector