Hps for veg any advice?


My cfl in a shade don't seem enough light for veg so goin with my 600w hps sneed some advice on distance from plants etc pls guys


Well-Known Member
Should use MH instead of HPS to reduce internode length.. about 1.5 to 2 feet away. Maybe even a little bit more.


Should use MH instead of HPS to reduce internode length.. about 1.5 to 2 feet away. Maybe even a little bit more.
I've got a large cfl but just can't get close enough to give them enough light. How much are metal halide bulbs and will the bulb go into the same shade as my hps?


New Member
the only reason yer should use cfl is if you have serious heatage issues like trying to grow in mehico or so in summer with no aircon and even then a lot of cfl/s will make 'some' heat, so get a digital 600w mh/hps and cool tube as aboved says or cool hood even better and be done. Thanks and welcome


Well-Known Member
Truthfully, 600w in early veg is a complete and utter waste. No plant can use that much light energy in early veg stage. Hell, they don't need that much wattage until close to flowering. I used to run a 400w MH in veg but have switched to a 250w cfl and I log my grows daily and they look the exact same (as far as growth rate)...

Last grow (400w MH veg)

Current (240w CFL veg)

Both are 12 days from seed sprouting.


Well-Known Member
depsn how many plants you grow under that 600w doesn't it?
Yes and no. Again, early stage veg plants are small. A single 400w can adequately light 4-5 up until the point where most people switch to flower (4-5 weeks from seed)


New Member
I agree with you and also op is confused he says things like "cant get the light close enough" what the hell does that mean?


New Member
Easy Solution:

Dim-able Digital Ballasts that run both HPS and MH bulbs

I have 2 600w and a 1000w dim-able digital Nanolux ballast in my 32"x80"x10 foot tall Flower Room.

I also have a 600w Nanolux in my 36"x24"72" veg Cabinet.

I usually perpetually grow 3 plants at a time from clones so I veg for 4 weeks.
At all times there are 3 plants flowering and 3 plants vegging.
Over the yrs, I've found that anything more than this leaves entirely tooo much cannabis laying around.

So I typically put the fresh small clones in the Veg cabinet on day 30 of whatever is in my flower room.

VEG->First week or so in Veg Cabnet: 600w Nanolux turned down to 50%--> 18/6-- HPS bulb to stretch them a little and give them some height.
VEG->Second week or so in Veg Cabnet: 600w Nanolux turned down to 50%--> 18/6-- MH bulb to stop stretch at around 20" and to get them growing thick/bushy
VEG->Third week & Fourth week: 600w Nanolux turned down to 75%--> 18/6-- MH bulb --> Topping/Lollipop/etc

FLOWER ->Day one of week Five: Moved from Veg Cabinet to Flower room and put under HPS 600w/MH 1000w/HPS 600w all at 50% for 12/12. (+/- SCROG NET)
By the end of the 5th week... HPS 600w/MH 1000w/HPS 600w all at 75% for 12/12.
By the end of the 6th week... HPS 600w/MH 1000w/HPS 600w all at 100% for 12/12.

Great yields...!!!



Well-Known Member
With a 600W HPS bulb you should be able to let the plants get within 12-16 inches of the bulb. Plants are about as sensitive to light heat as our own skin. I put my hand over the highest part of the plant. If my hand is uncomfortably warm I can figure the plant is too. Called the hands test. BigSteve.