HPS lighting systems


Active Member
Hey ya'all! In the flowering stage right now with three plants, all of them unknown sexes. I'm looking into getting a HPS system set up, but I'm just wondering what the best website to use is? I'm not looking to spend a whole lot of money on this. Is e-bay probably my best bet?



Well-Known Member
nah just buy local dude just a electric store..........on the net not sure but try goggling it perhaps


Well-Known Member
Hey, I bought mine at HGT supplies. It only cost me like 160 after shipping, its 400watts, they run themselves outta PA, and are pretty good with shipping times. I'll see if I can find a link, but they also have an EBAY storefront, so if you go to EBAY.com you can find them there, The one I bought was the one listed for 149 i think. either that or 109, o well youll see 'em! Good luck! Happy Growing!