HPS or MH?


Well-Known Member
i know that MH give off blues and HPS reds but what ones are better for what stage? (vegitation/flowering/sprouting?)
i know that MH give off blues and HPS reds but what ones are better for what stage? (vegitation/flowering/sprouting?)
Metal Halide for vegetative growth. High pressure sodium for flowering. Flourescents, t-5 or t-8, or CFL's for seedlings and clones.
HPS or Mh Lights can yus both vege and flowering, but HPS is better to flowering state, because it gives more red spectrum and MH gives blue spectrum which is better to vege but if yu can mix those light HPS & MH together on vege state then it's best light yu can use... but flowering state always use some warm red spec, HPS is there for yu!

but if yu have to decide which light you wanna buy so i say buy HPS, HPS is fine light for vege grow if yu can buy only one light.. because MH lights dosent get your bud's that size than HPS light... and HPS spect do more bushy plants than MH.
is 400watts either way ok for 3 plants? ....... i have almost everything i need for a MH exept the bulb i'll be getting this weekend. and i met up with a friend who said she could give me her hps system in about a week. so when all is said and done i can provide 400watt mh and 400watt hps together is that enough watts? for 3 plants that is?
i have a 250w metal halide for vegging and am debating between a 600w or 400w hps...i hear the 600w will start to overload the amp on my circuit so im thinkin the 400w is a better choice, though ill kick myself in the ass later for not getting a 600