
Active Member
I am starting a closet grow that is about 3' by 3'. I would like to get a switchable hps/mh ballast to use for the grow but I dont know if I want to spend the money. Which would be the better choice to use for the entire grow, HPS or MH? Would 250 watts be enough of should I go with a 400 watt system? Thanks


Well-Known Member
get HPS and just get a converted MH bulb for veg.
When given the choice of only one light, most marijuana growers will choose an hps grow light over mh, because hps lights are more efficient (larger harvest).
You can't use a standard high pressure sodium bulb in a metal halide fixture, but you can use a metal halide bulb in a high pressure sodium fixture of the same wattage.


Well-Known Member
yea man im growin in a 3,3 closet and i got a 150w hps and its workin great granted im only growin one plant. jus be prepared for it to get mad hot in there i only have fans recirculating in there in it gets up to 86 sumtimes and thats only with a 150w so if your goin bigger be prepared for it to get much hotter unless you got good ventilation in and out then your fine just lettin you know my situation i had a big problem in the begging with the heat almost lost her.


Well-Known Member
They got a new bulb out that has a Mh and hps spectrum but I think you gotta go 600 or better. I got some 1000's that are 400 Mh and 600hps. You should try researching that, you might get lucky. 600 ain't bad for that setup either, that way, if you get everything right, you'll get about 1 lb. More light, more bud.