HSO Trainwreck, HSO Blue Dream, and Dinafem Original Amnesia

tick tack toe

Well-Known Member
These three I grew and harvested in April. Of the Trainwreck and Blue Dream this is my second time growing this strain as I still have some left from the first grow that I have cured since December. Check out my sig to see if you think the weed I grew is worth a review. The second half of my sig thread is the second grow and the weed I am reviewing here. I don't have an amazing sense of smell or taste but fuck it, good enough to share my experience.

This review is solely based off my personal experience as I follow the rule of growing. I tell no one (you guys are no bodies right?) In saying that, quite some has been shared with unknowing friends and I quietly listened to their responses. Also, for the last year I have only been vaping and every good stoner knows that it's a different high. So where to begin, first off, this review will be based off three beers (light-drinker), Amnesia (currently daily - holiday) and pet rabbits dying (hopefully not again).

HSO Blue Dream

Smell I've had two cracks at growing this and each plant was slightly different. The first has a real bluegum smell after a short cure. It has a musty sent to it and (I'm sticking my head in jars right now) some sweetness. After over 20 years of being bit of a pot head who had access to Holland, it was the first time I had grown something with such a strong, lovely and intoxicating smell. The second plant took about a month before the smell started to come and has grown over time. Although still not as strong as my first grow, it still draws people to you if not wrapped airtight. People that I have shared this with ask for more and the smell is one of the reasons.
Rating - Bloody fucking good with loads of bag appeal. The smell alone after a great/good cure is pure golden.

Taste I've noticed that much of the smell is transferred to the taste which makes this a joy to use. That musty taste really comes through and with a nice cure the exhale holds a ton of favour. In all of my grows, I love using this weed at special events as the taste and smell are so special that I don't like over doing it. Again because of this property, this is a cannabis flower to share.
Rating - Two thumbs up for you and your friends

High This gives a great social high. I'm chatty and feel like I have lots to share. It makes me think a lot and in the right situation it can be great for creativity (I class myself as a maker). If around people in a social indoor setting, this is the weed I alway choose to use as it is uplifting and improves conversation. There is no heavy down so enjoying other peoples company can go on without weed being the downer of the night. Alone, I don't enjoy as much. It makes me too introspective and can make me cry far too easily. I don't like using it watching sport alone as the high doesn't match. Of course, I do use it alone, therefore I pick times when I have a project on hand or when I'm alone and in a good mood as I have found at these times it is very effective. This isn't a hugely strong plant but not weak either. Good strong middle stongage.
Rating - Pretty bloody good when used correctly

(Beer and Amnesia break)

Dinafem Original Amnesia

Smell I think the reason this has won awards is because of the smell. The first time I opened a week old jar, the smell came out, all I could think of was parsnip. The smell is amazing and I know a friend of mine would cut off his left nut for it (if only he would visit more often .. ). As I whiff in the smell, It's very sweet and hazy and one that a good pot head would stick their heads into and take long hard draws. The smell is strong and it's another which can be very overpowerful.
Rating - I love it and one that I would be proud to share with friends.

Taste For those that vape, you'll know the temperature that you vape can change the taste. Some work best at low (blue dream) while other are better at higher temps (og kush). For me, Amnesia holds it taste throughout my temp ranges (flowermate 5s) although higher I go, the more I like it. I can use this depending on how heavy I want the effect that it can give. The sweet hazy taste holds true. My childhood distaste for parsnip has changed and I have noticed that I now buy said vegetable at the supermarket and use it in my cooking.
Rating - It's got a great special flavour that I haven't encountered often and it holds it when vaping. Totally worth the extra growing effort.

High This is a happy high boarding on bringing out your childhood. Again great for sharing so organize your environment around having fun. Music, movement, games, lounging in the sun with friends and jumping in the pool are a blast with this weed. With a few people on it though, it can be a very noticeable that something is not right for those that are no longer in their childhood (aka us). This is an exciting strain that I prefer to use to pick me up, watch sport or do very active things. I can do creative things but my mind tends to race a lot. I did choose this to write the review on because it is up lifting and motivating. But as you might see by the writing style, boarding on silly.
Rating - Great when I don't give a flying fuck and just need to smile

HSO Trainwreck

Smell For those lovers of a deep sweet powerful smell where your friends would be green with envy then sadly Trainwreck doesn't reach that. Only those that are able to long cure it are able to draw out the true trainwreck smell that overall is really pretty good. In the first few month it smelt like, well weed. Bog standard, go to your local shop weed. Yea it smells different from others but it doesn't have that pop effect like the previous two. In honesty though, now that I've cured it for around 4 months, I do enjoy the smell of it. It's sweet and hazy as expected. with a light aniseed smell. The smell has got stronger over time. All three plants I've grown seem to have the same effect too. To me, this smells of good strong weed. There is no need for bow-tie and hipster smell review cause ...
Rating - Son, I smell weed.

Taste It took a while but now the taste is really developing a special sweetness to it. There's nothing magical as it has that general weed taste but I can taste the sweet aniseed in lower temps. Using as a one hitter, I do like this in the middle temperature as I feel that is the best for flavour and feeling. I've tried a lot of strains in my life and I've often slowly exhaled to taste as much as I could. I've found that most strains aren't that complex in their taste and are close to each other. Trainwreck tastes as I would expect weed to taste and for that ....
Rating - Son, That's weed isn't it?!

High Now this is where the lovely Trainwreck comes into play. Here it is different. This is the point where someone starts understanding why this strain is grown. It's strong. And with a vape, it the type of weed that one bowl can last a whole day giving you the emotions that suit that period too. With just a few hits (2-3) in the morning on a low temp, I can focus, creatively plan, organize, source all my materials and still have that buzz. While in the afternoon, the middle draws of the same bowl, lets me settle down and build crap without caring about anything around me. When the afternoon arrives I can finish the bowl and it gives that first relaxation to the weekend. Add another bowl at middle to high heat and TV, internet and Ice Hockey it just bloody great. It's a weed I can use alone, with friends. Use too much on a high heat or smoke too much at the wrong time of day and the high can really kill all activity. To me this gives me the true feeling of being high. That real mix that I remember as a young adult. Not complex like the last two and a great fuck I'm stoned feeling. This is the weed I use after work and in the weekends.
Rating - Son, That's going to get you really high.
Sorry for not replying. I haven't been back to for a few weeks (not growing ... but that changes in 2 weeks). The yield for blue dream was okay. My trainwreack produced more. Using that as i write. I find if you don't get the special penom that curing time is needed.

I'm thinking what my next grow will be. I only grow once a year over the Christmas period. I need some good plants this time as I'm growing for my 40th. :D