
Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
A must see. The coming war on China

Covers the US atomic tests on the Bikini Islanders, the enslavement of a people at the Regan test site (island).

The opium trade that built allot of America and the threatening nature of ringing China with missile sites and US bases.

Its an easy watch and a well done documentary on what America has been doing to antagonize China so it can attack her.
Well, I just finished watching it after having to use a VPN (UK streaming only on Vimeo), and forking over the equivalent of £2.99 to 'rent' it.

I can't say it was that enlightening, but an interesting review of the Marshall Islands 'tests', the opium money profiteers, China's approach to achieving democracy through capitalism first, politics later, and the specter of nuclear winters (who thought that topic would make a resurgence, eh?). Oh, and a reminder that the US has a shitload of bases around the world with some negative externalities for the local residents.

I don't come away with a feeling the US is trying to go to war with China, though. That part is over-hyped and not really explored in much depth. But that's the way it goes with Pilger, I suppose; he straddles a line between art and knowledge.

As an aside, the streaming service through Vimeo is a lot better than it used to be. It's interesting to see more 'docs' being released through there instead of something like YouTube.
The war movie that's getting much more airtime here in country is the 'Syrian chemical attack'. Except that it's a false flag.

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