So, I was getting really high ppm readings in my run off. Up to 1500 sometimes and it was only about 400 going in. I assumed this was salt build up as you would, my ph remains around 6.7 by the way so I didn't take this to be the problem. Started doing a flush tonight. So I put the first litre of plain water through it, it was still high but I expected this. Second litre, it came right down to around 400. So I was thinking "great this is working". Put a third litre through it, it came out at 1400 again.
So I started reading as you do..and found some posts about salt build up when using fabric pots. Iv always noticed it building up around outside of the pot but never really thought much about it. Apparently this can fuck with your run off ppm, leach back into the soil and cause the ppm to be sky high, has anyone else ever had this happen to them with fabric pots, can not understand for the life of me why it came down to 400 then went back to 1400 when I was only using plain ph'd water? It seems to me like iv got pockets of nutes in random spots in the soil and maybe that's why the second litre was 400 and the third was 1400? I dont know just thinking outside the box I suppose. Any help appreciated thankyou
So I started reading as you do..and found some posts about salt build up when using fabric pots. Iv always noticed it building up around outside of the pot but never really thought much about it. Apparently this can fuck with your run off ppm, leach back into the soil and cause the ppm to be sky high, has anyone else ever had this happen to them with fabric pots, can not understand for the life of me why it came down to 400 then went back to 1400 when I was only using plain ph'd water? It seems to me like iv got pockets of nutes in random spots in the soil and maybe that's why the second litre was 400 and the third was 1400? I dont know just thinking outside the box I suppose. Any help appreciated thankyou