Huge Problem w/ Grow Room

Hello. I am having a major problem with my room. About 4 months ago it was poisoned by a jealous friend. I'm not sure what he used but it seemed to kill almost everything it touched. Now I am trying to move new plants back into the room and every time they turn wild. The stems curve all wicked and even start growing back towards the middle. New growth seems to be effected the most. New leafs coming out get wrapped around one another and never really go out more then an inch. I'm not starting to think I need to tear down the building and rebuild but fuck. Maybe I'm looking to much towards the poison and not something else. So I turn to you guys.

Could this stress be caused by being under a 1000W light for the first time? They were grown outside (with-in state law) and I'm only moving them in to start to bud. I didn't give them hardly any nutrients and when they are outside they are perfect.

All the plants were perfectly healthy prior to going into my room and if I take them out, it takes around a week for them to start growing good again. :(

So is it the 1000W light for the first time or poison? I am going to let it ride all 8 weeks inside that room but I do not wan't to poison my others with crap air. I am also going to add my 8" fan /w filter that just runs inside the room cleaning the air (if that's even how a charcoal filter works). But if anyone has had a problem like this let me know please! I have cleaned everything and even redone the back wall.

IMG_0841.jpgIMG_0367.jpgIMG_0376.jpgIMG_0378.jpgIMG_0379.jpgIMG_0837.jpgIMG_0838.jpgIMG_0839.jpgIMG_0840.jpgIMG_0841.jpgIMG_0842.jpgIMG_0843.jpgIMG_0844.jpgIMG_0845.jpgIMG_0846.jpgIMG_0847.jpgIMG_0848.jpgIMG_0849.jpgVery sorry that some of the pictures are not right side up or what not. My kids have been so damn demanding the last hour as a try to post this lol. The 87 degs picture is right under the lamp always at the highest part of the plant. Also a note that I have been causing a little stress trying to get my AC to work perfectly but the random Michigan weather has been causing me a lot of problems but will soon be taken care of.

Poison air or stupid owner stress?

Thank you all very much. I know you don't have to give noob questions like this a look at or even reply, but thanks!
Also: (sry) I just took the temp of the rooms temp (windy in room with 2 fans) and its 80 degrees. This is my first summer grow in this room but during the winter the room was over 80 sometimes (noob mistakes) and they did nothing like this. I have only seen my plants do this SINCE the room was drilled into and sprayed with this blue poison.


Active Member
there is a dead zone sometimes because of the reflector also the temperature might go up when you aren't there. they need water probably every day under a 1000 watt , gotta have enough watering and ventilation- your humidity is probably a big part of it
there is a dead zone sometimes because of the reflector also the temperature might go up when you aren't there. they need water probably every day under a 1000 watt , gotta have enough watering and ventilation- your humidity is probably a big part of it

Fresh Air Intake is something I do need to work on. I have a small hole in my 6" tube that pushes in fresh air to the room but I do not currently remove air via a fan or outlet. While this is good advice do you think it would make the plant do this in under 24 hours? With a 10x8 and only 1 plant in it, constant AC and humidifier running and the small hole for air intake? Please don't think I am not trusting you, I just wanted you to have more info.


Deadzone? Its 5am and I will re read that when I wake up, but currently I don't understand it.


Air and water.. There are your two problems. You need more fresh air circulating through your room. You have air cooled reflectors... Where does that air go? Hope not back in the room. Air into cooled reflector to exhaust fan to outside..

Most importantly, that 'friend' that poisoned your room, take a blade and give him a nice cut on the shinbone
Air and water.. There are your two problems. You need more fresh air circulating through your room. You have air cooled reflectors... Where does that air go? Hope not back in the room. Air into cooled reflector to exhaust fan to outside..

Most importantly, that 'friend' that poisoned your room, take a blade and give him a nice cut on the shinbone
Yeah I have my AC through a hole I cut in my building. So hot air is pushed out the back. As far as fresh air intake do you really think it would be noticeable in a room that size with only 1 plant?

as far as the "friend" yeah. Time :)
Alright I tested the air option. I put another plant in the room and with-in 10m it was showing signs of stress, with the door completly open (at night) and a fan blowing in. I also bought more silvertape and taped up everything that could be related to the air quality problem (Looks like I build the inside of my shed out of a metal 2x4's)

So the ONLY other thing I can think of, is major stress from a 1000w flowering light.

NEW TEST - I am also going to put a plant in the room in the morning, when the lights go off; to test air quality and what not. My thought is that with no light, if it still acts like this, then it can not be the light causing it.

1 plant under a 1000w / 3 foot from the light to the top of the plant. Would that cause problems? (heat 1' under hood is only around 3-4 degrees higher. My vent for my hood is good)

Also I vegged them inside for the first 3 weeks from seeds, then outside for about 5 weeks. Now I want to move them into my flowering room (shed) under 1000w lights. It is almost always %50 humid now and almost always 76 deg during lights on and 65 during lights off.

The test I did with my fav plant was;

putting it next to my other plant that is dien, and waiting for 5 hours. By the end the leafs were all folded up, making me think of to much light.

We have had 80-90 weather, with the plants getting light 100% light (no shade ever) for around 5 weeks. Going from this, to a 1000W HPS shed with AC/Humidifier/Fans/6" inline 500cfm fan going from back of building to the light to out the other side of the building with insulated 6" tubing. The sides are silver(like in the pics) and almost air tight on the walls. I suck air from inside, out the 6" fan thought a hole in the tubing, and air enters thought a vent in my door. This room was produced amazingly over the winter even with alot of growing pains.

please help or I'm out alot of money and time

Dude i would check and make sure he didnt dump something in the humidifier or a/c unit.....thats the only way i could see it still messin up plants...if i wanted to really fuk someone i would dump poison in the humidifier or a/c that way they would rip the whole room up and think they are good to go and as soon as the a/c or other machines turn on your fuked all over again (not that i would ever do some douchbag shit like that but think about it)
I don't have a res and the AV is brand new. I did ANOTHER test lol and I think I got the problem figured out. The 1000W light is just to much for the plants for some reason. Im going to leave the light off tonight (when it should be on for 12/12) and see if another plant (new plant) will do the same thing. To fair about my downfalls, I put that plant in question (ugly one) under the light, about 1 foot away for the first two days; when I thought it could still be the poison.

The plant I put in last night (far from the light) did ok. It did not die; but to say it loved it would be far from the truth.

I just hope I can figure this out soon.
O cant have new plants 1 foot away from a 1000 watter....shit ...... More like 3 feet to start ...dingggggg turkeys done....your cookin those bitches.....i use 1000z and will never ever put plants that close.....raise that light 2 more feet and keep a fan blowing rite over the top of the canopy and problem solved......

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Looks like possible poor watering habits(looks like you just water around the plant and not the entire pot) and keeping the light way too close(36inches is plenty close for a 1000).


Well-Known Member
my veg room isnt cooled at all when its 100 outside its 103 inside the veg room and the temperature just slows them down alittle so i highly doubt that is your problem.... i would check your soil pH, it looks like FFOF and they recommend using bloom nuts after first week or two