Hulu, Netflix or other?


Well-Known Member
We are looking at using an online tv/movie stream

I have used Netflix and loved it.. but went thru all the documentaries I wanted to watch very quickly.. loved the layout and setup of netflix

have only seen parts of Hulu at the inlaws when they had it for a bit.. they hated that you can only find things by alphabetical listings rather then genre etc.. I did not get a chance to goof around with it when they had it so.. not sure if that was just how they had it setup..

from my understand.. netflix is more movies and hulu is more tv.. correct? and does one have a new movie/tv listings each month or week?

I like more documentaries and educational programming (h2-discovery etc) wifey and kids like some tv series...

are there other services like this and who do you prefer?


Well-Known Member
Hulu is good for TV and movies g. I have both lol and directv.

I think it's really all a preference really. They both have pros and cons. If h2 and such is your thing I would say Hulu is a good choice for you.


Well-Known Member
gioua, the nice thing about netflix is there is an entire kid friendly section. You can access it from the main menu so the little ones won't see child inapporpriate titles. Lots of selection for the kids. That has come in very handy in our home, maybe something to consider.


Well-Known Member
gioua, the nice thing about netflix is there is an entire kid friendly section. You can access it from the main menu so the little ones won't see child inapporpriate titles. Lots of selection for the kids. That has come in very handy in our home, maybe something to consider.
the problem seems to be that my boys like the non kid side lol


Well-Known Member
I have Netflix and Amazon Prime. I barely watch Amazon Prime and basically got it for the 2 day delivery on products but it has alot of movies. I think it was $79.99/yr when I signed up. The nice thing about Netflix is almost all the movies have English subtitles, which helps my wife with her English believe it or not. My parents bought us a Roku for Christmas last year and that's what we use to access the channels. Canceled my cable shortly thereafter. Best thing I ever did.


Well-Known Member
I vote Netflix too. Their content is always growing, they're producing their own shows now, etc. Hulu is owned by the Fox, and like their masters they are always trying to run a game on you.


Well-Known Member
I thought the subscription to Hulu has no ads? I know the web based one use to and maybe still does..
I signed up with Hulu and every time I would watch something there was a add before the movie so I canceled my account not paying to watch there ads.
Hulu may have some newer programming but they don't have half as much as netflix.


check into xbmc. It isn't as convenient as Netflix or hulu simply because you have to search through links of streams, but they have every movie ( including tons of documentaries) show, and even live sports. I have a Netflix account and use it but Netflix is slow to get new episodes and movies. Another great thing about xbmc is that there's no upfront cost or monthly charges. Just install onto a device and you're good to go. I run mine off of an ouya android gaming console so I can play roms with emulators too. This was my alternative to cable. Just my two cents.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Roku has over 700 channels and it spans over 22 categories. There are no monthly fees, except for some for fee channels like Netflix, hulu, etc., all you need is a internet connection and off you go.

I think I paid $ 60 or $80 dollars for mine.


Well-Known Member
What exactly does your Roku do? I don't know anyone (to my knowledge) who has one.
It's basically a "smart" digital media player. No optical drive but it has a SD slot. You can watch a plethora of channels from it. Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, DemocracyNow. All kinds of shit. You can also make your own private channels and stream shit yourself. Live TV is often streamed on these private channels. I like mine.


Well-Known Member
gioua, the nice thing about netflix is there is an entire kid friendly section. You can access it from the main menu so the little ones won't see child inapporpriate titles. Lots of selection for the kids. That has come in very handy in our home, maybe something to consider.
are you serious. screw kid friendly its only a matter of time before the understand its all fake. your kids most likly have a worse imagintion then some of these movies.