Human Cheese


Well-Known Member
So breast milk has passed the riu vegan consumption test. So how about we make some breast cheese and sell that milky mammary goodness to those that may be missing their old dairy fix.

And how about placenta? Could a vegan consume placenta? Some cultures do, Ive heard of planting it under a tree. Maybe I'll compost one, surely the organic crowd would be in on that too.


Well-Known Member
Sounds funny check this story out
It's from yesterdays paper

Scientists have made stomach-churning cheeses using bacteria from a humen foot , a belly button and even an armpit .
Eleven cheeses feature at Selfmade exhibition about synthetic biology in Dublin .
Each cheese was created using starter cultures from the skin of artists , scientists, anthropologists and cheese makers.
Each is supposed to reflect the flavor of the person it came from .



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm thinkin Fetta or ricotta
I wounder where Blue vein cheese would come from a human ?
The big blue vein !!!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Sorta like the blue veins in your hands or feet.
Once oxygen is taken away I think they turn red or white, like in sausage.

Ricotta would be interesting.


Staff member
i would assume since aslong as its given up for consent it would be considered vegan, like say sperm...

thats being said i dont consume animal products and humans are animals
i dont miss dairy , no do i miss my diary "fix" there are plenty of products on the market i can buy that are cruelty free