Humboldt County's Bush Master

Long time lurker...First time grower...First time poster...hope I'm in the right place and not asking a stupid question.

Under advice, humboldt county's bush master was purchased.

Is bush master best used in Veg cycle or Bloom cycle? Where in the cycle? (relative to 12/12) (The label says the beginning of the bloom cycle but I've heard different things from different people)

Not looking for an absolute answer, just want to hear from those who have tried different options. What have you done? What medium did you grow in? How did it work? Did you only run with water or other nutes at the same time?


If you need any details let me know.


Well-Known Member
I have used it in a few grows so far.. what I have witnessed is that when you apply it, the plant simply doesn't grow vertically anymore until a few more waterings and they go back to normal.

The best is to use it either right at the beginning of 12/12 and that will make them not stretch at all like they would normally, tends to make very very dense nugs..

or at about 2 weeks into 12/12 as soon as stretching is done and budsites are set.. should yield a similar result. Experiment yourself, but only dose them once with that stuff and just that and water. also never in veg, it just slows down things.

good luck


I have used it for the last 2 years with great results I add the dose of 4 mil per gallon at the start of the 12/12 cycle, recently I started using it in veg and the results are great the internodes are stacked tight and my plants are still large it dhould increase my yeild and bud size by 25%