Humic/ Fulvic acid raw organics. Will this hurt my micro colony?


Well-Known Member
The p.h in my super soil was starting to creep into the mid 7's. 7.5 is when I start to get worried. I thought the soil becomes more acidic as the organic matter gets broken down by the microbes.

I'm new to organics, so i am learning this stuff as I go. Been reading articles, forums, anything i can get my hands on.

Anyway, will this product kill all of the precious microbes I have been herding? I just want to bring down my p.h. my plants are looking a bit dark I. The leaves and the main thing I've been doing to combat this is dropping actual limes In my water

Any helps greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
If you purchase fulvic and humic powder you get a lot more for your money. I get mine from kepl4less but there are a lot of places to pick it up. I add a teaspoon of powder per gallon of water and a pound has lasted me a couple of years. I appreciate all the products out there but feel that the liquid products are mixing the same powder I use into water.