humididty during flower


Active Member
im growing scrog and i triggered 4 days ago, my relative humididty is aroung 60 percent and i get wet spots wer leaves overlap and rest on top of each other, i feel this will encorage mold or rot so my question is what is a safe relative humidity that my plants will still grow full potential but not encourage mold?:roll:


New Member
You don't have to worry about lowering humidity until the colas start to fill in. Then you gotta keep it as high as you can without letting mildew run rampant. Start at 50% RH and lower it gradually until harvest. I try to go no lower than 40% but I grow sativas. Your plants will vary.


Well-Known Member
During the flowering phase, you want a RH of between 35%-45%. The plants are more vulnerable to molds and fungus during the flowering cycle and so you need to keep that humidity down lower than you do for the vegetative cycle.