Humidity control


Active Member
What's the best way to raise the humidity in my room during the veg stage and the best way to lower it during flowering


Well-Known Member
well... i aint gonna say for sure ... cos i have never grown indoors... but i have heard....hang wet towels in your tent/grow room....... or one of those humidifyers/fogger thingies (about 10 bucks in walmart) ...or a fiver in argos hehe........

but to lower it... you need a dehumidifyer if its really bedly high......

but as i say i dont know because i have tryed... i know cos someone wrote it on here and i read it about 3 days ago

oh i forgot.... add a bowl of water to the tent with lots of moving air....that works for raising humidity too


Well-Known Member
Without saying the obvious (get a humidifier and a dehumidifier) what troutie posted does work, to increase humidity clip a towell across a coat hanger above a bucket or tray of water, let the end touch the water so the towel wicks up the water. then use a small fan and blow across the towel. That will increase the humidity in the early stages.

To lower it without buying a dehumidifer keep the air moving with extra fans and place a dry towel in the room.

You may need more then one towel.