Humidity For Flowring


Well-Known Member
U can be over 75 i max at 84 in my tent
That's actually a bit hot.

Certain plant processes slow down and stop at temps above 80F unless you're supplementing extra Co2.

If you could drop your temps to a stable 75f you'd see better plant growth and flowering.

I've played around with running temps a little bit. ROCK hard nugs are achievable upto around 78F. After this point they get a little airy or begin fox tailing.



Well-Known Member
Nigga u aint.gotta everyone knows the lower the temps the better but look at nature way hotter with more light during veg months and it cools down with.less light during flower months at 79 degrees right now with 45% rh just watered yesterday and my temps actually.maxed at 82 rilunning 1000 watts


Well-Known Member
If u start.goin over 50% rh u start.running the chance of mildew and mold
Fully agree.

You also have to wary of over crowding.

Too many in a confined space can cause micro climates between leaf surfaces which can be a breeding ground also!


Well-Known Member
Nigga u aint.gotta everyone knows the lower the temps the better but look at nature way hotter with more light during veg months and it cools down with.less light during flower months at 79 degrees right now with 45% rh just watered yesterday and my temps actually.maxed at 82 rilunning 1000 watts
While I agree nature can be way hotter, unfortunately cannabis has been intensively bred indoors under artificial lighting for a very long time and as such certain strains are bred to react to certain variables better than others.

Which is why some strains are mould resistant, heat enduring etc etc.

One final thing please refrain from calling me "nigga" I couldn't be farther away from a "nigga" if I tried.



Well-Known Member
Im a stoner so i say.nigga and homie a lot messing around it fried also it is a weed and they are think as long as you dont.go.over 85 your fine as long as u have air moving inside


Well-Known Member
While I agree nature can be way hotter, unfortunately cannabis has been intensively bred indoors under artificial lighting for a very long time and as such certain strains are bred to react to certain variables better than others.

Which is why some strains are mould resistant, heat enduring etc etc.

One final thing please refrain from calling me "nigga" I couldn't be farther away from a "nigga" if I tried.

85F is fine at normal atmospheric CO2 levels as long as the plants are not limited by other factors because of the accelerated metabolism and higher light intensities. That does mean a requirement for a steady flow of fresh air to ensure CO2 does not become limiting if CO2 is not being suplemented.


Well-Known Member
85F is fine at normal atmospheric CO2 levels as long as the plants are not limited by other factors because of the accelerated metabolism and higher light intensities. That does mean a requirement for a steady flow of fresh air to ensure CO2 does not become limiting if CO2 is not being suplemented.

Lol I never said you couldn't grow in that temp.

I mentioned denser nugs and some plant responses slowing and stopping at higher temps.



Well-Known Member
except that 85 is not high for Cannabis.
85 isn't high for cannabis as long as you're dosing Co2 around 1500ppm and have HIGH light environment.

Most people don't.

With right levels of light and Co2 cannabis will grow at temps up to 90F.

I do know this.

How many people actually have that situation???

Very few.

Alot however think they do in order to seem at ease with their higher temps.



Well-Known Member
I find flowering temps around 75 is perfect for the Kush strain i'm running. Any higher runs the risk of airy foxtailing buds. I like my buds dank and dense. Have grown indoors during the summer with warmer temps and the buds were almost half the weight as run in cooler temps.


Well-Known Member
Im having trouble keeping right around 80, give or take. In summer, Im a little concerned, I've got a window A/C, and a roll about A/C, it should do the trick.


Well-Known Member
I grow in a basement and couldn't control my temps even with a brand new air conditioner. The stand up model that exhausts outside. 450 bucks and couldn't keep my rooms below 80. Except for lights out. I'm only running 2- 600's and my buds came out shitty. They looked nice and big, but were fluffy with not much weight. Keep it below 80 for flower. And below 50% humidity in flower. I start at 50% then drop down 5% a week till I hit 30%. Then dank time!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i grow outside in s florida during summer. the temps and humidity are atrocious, even at night. make sure to keep the fan blowing lightly across them all the time. i do bring my plants inside at night and that helps since humidity then is at its worst. GL