Humidity help


Hey guys, this is my first grow and I am using a stealth grow cabinet with simple bubbleponic setup and I don't know how to raise the humidity in there. The temps range between 74-77 f when the lights are going. The humidity though has never gotten above 45%. Is that a good number for hydro, or should it be more around 60%? Right now I'm thinking about tacking some damp towels in there a safe distance from the lights to see what that does. Any help or ideas would be great. Thanks!

here is a pic of my grow box right now. i can move the lights up or down as needed.


Hey Cuervo, hope I can help you out with some basic information about what your plant likes and different ways to manage humidity! First of all, the humidity levels that your plant will want during veg changes as it goes to flowering. For example, an ideal range would be 50-70 (depending on the strain) for vegetative, and then 30-45 for flowering. The reduction is to prevent bud-rot and mildew buildup when your flowers become compact and have trouble getting rid of excess moisture. One way to increase moisture though is to have a bowl / cup / any receptacle that holds water which is bubbling from an airstone underneath. This will throw excess water in the air, and is the closest you can get to buying a machine that will put humidity in there. (that or the cloth idea works too, but you would need some way to spread the humid air coming off of it, and then it might dry out too quickly). If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask!
No problem man, I will be reviewing your grow journal, but what you mean about the invite? Also, if you want to see better results, make sure to remove chlorine from your water and other metals either with a detoxifying agent at such stores like petsmart or buy getting a reverse osmosis machine to get rid of metals and other solutes that will affect the growth of your plant!

Illegal Smile

I'd just add to what sexyroot said - another easy way to add humidity is to take one or more pans or whatever that hold say 1/2 gallon. Put a lg roll of paper towels standing up in the pan then slowly pour water over the paper towels till the towels are soaked and the pan is full. It will continue to wick water up and create more surface area from which the water can evaporate.


Okay, I did the damp towel in a bowl trick, but 55% is the max I have gotten it up to. Could this lack of humidity be the cause of slow growth? Should I try to use a dome over these babies? Maybe I'm just being patanoid. Anyways, thanks for all the great feedback.


Well-Known Member
55% is good enough. now is the time to buy a humidifyer, they go on sale because summer is coming. i just got one at walmart for 40.00 normal price was 59.99. it rocks my room 12'x20' . programable so i set it for on 8 hours everyday and 50% and it stays right there. might be too much for a small room.