Humidity issue..Sealed room week 2 flowering.


Active Member
What's going on guys,

I got 3x 1000w's over 13 plants in 5 gallon plastic pots. Yesterday I noticed humidity was at a whopping 81% it's sitting at 71%. I'm running a sealed tent with no air in/out but with a 14,000BTU AC and a 50 pint dehumidifier. What exactly am I doing wrong? By the time rH is anywhere between 45-50% it's time to water, soon after rH rises to 85+ due to transpiration. My question is, besides what am I doing wrong, shouldn't my a/c and 50 pint dehumidifier be enough to keep rH to whatever humidity I want it to be? I have the humidifier blazing on low(25rH), but still, it's not bringing it as low as it should be.

Edit: Also, note, ambient rH has been 75-85 lately as well.


Well-Known Member
I have not done a sealed room yet, but something does seem wrong.

A humidifier in a sealed room should be able to control RH easily,
and IIRC ACs reduce RH as well.

I am sure that one of the experts will be right along.

Good luck,



Active Member
I have not done a sealed room yet, but something does seem wrong.

A humidifier in a sealed room should be able to control RH easily,
and IIRC ACs reduce RH as well.

I am sure that one of the experts will be right along.

Good luck,

That's what I'm thinking too...

Thanks bro


Well-Known Member
I dont know much about sealed room but can u set it up to move new air in/out 15mins an hour or so? Maybe have duct flaps or whatever there called to shut off air flow when not in use. Only thing i can think of.


Well-Known Member
That might be underpowered.

A sealed-room expert will need to chime in, but he will
want to know that data.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Yes method is right, leave it on low for a longer period of time, all that off and on shit is just making your humidity rise.


Well-Known Member
PM is better do something before all is lost...invest in an exhaust fan...that air has to circulate...out with the old and in with the new....get it together or else...PM monster is gonna get you...