Humidity issues, need help with fixing...


Active Member
So I dont know if this is even a problem or not, it sure seems to be. If there is a 5x2x5 area w/ a pc fan blowing over a 400 watt hps and a standard floor fan on low set about 5 feet back from the area and a cabinet temp of 75-85 degreees. Why would you get a reading of low from the humidity meter? Is it because the meter is garbage or because there is air blowing inside and outside the cabinet?

Additionally, what does one do to raise the humidity in a cabinet? Get a humidfier? That sounds scary, with lights and what not, lol... Any help or expertiese is welcomed.

P.S. Eventually this cabinet may have a Stanley blower fan instead of the floor fan due to the change in light cycles will force the cabinet closed for 12 hours. This may or may not fix the problem...I dont know.

If you need any additional info let me know, once again, thanks.


Well-Known Member
check your hygro-thermometer dude. The LCD digital seem to work the best. The first one I bought was cheap and the pointer type was off by 20%.


Active Member
Thanks dude, you know it is a digital, it was like 20 bucks so I assumed it was decent. I know I know, I'm sure I could spend like 100 bucks for a really awesome one, but I dont have the cash to spend like that. I've pretty much maxed out my budget now. But being digital it constantly reads low...


Well-Known Member
is your cab sealed or do you leave it open to ambiant air of a bigger room? You could just put a tray of water in your cab and let it evaporate to get more humid. IF you leave it open your going to have to drop some cash on a humidifyer.