Humidity question


Well-Known Member
So the humidity in my grow room is 24%-28%. I know it should be higher a bit. I hear 44% is about perfect. I plan on getting a humidifier and dehumidifier here pretty soon. I was just curious how the 24%-28% humidity would effect my girls? All advice helpful.


Well-Known Member
I still have yet to get an answer from anyone. Input or thoughts please. I would really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
From the GrowFAQ...

I find that low humidity causes stress on plants. I recommend 50-60% humidity until the final 2 weeks of flowering. At this point, the humidity should be lowered as much as possible to encourage the plant to seal and protect itself with additional resin.

Hope that helps.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
According to many sources, the lower the humidity during flowering, the more resins the plant produces to keep the bud from drying out. So I would figure that lower is better.
But I defer to those who have more growing expertise than I.


Well-Known Member
I am still in the veg stage, I know you don't want humdity over 50% during flower because mold and what not, but what about veg? I heard between 40-50%, but I'm around twenty. Should I bring it up or will it be fine, i heard the plants may stretch with low humidity.


Well-Known Member
the plant will be happer, greener, grow faster, etc. It is one of those things you have to just do to understand...