
420 T

The humidity in my tent is between 50-55 with there a better way to get it to drop in the 40-50? I have a mini ac unit running inside my temp with the carbon sucking out with the dehumidifier running....just didn't want any bud rod while being in the high 50's

420 T

The humidity in my tent is between 50-55 with there a better way to get it to drop in the 40-50? I have a mini ac unit running inside my temp with the carbon sucking out with the dehumidifier running....just didn't want any bud rot while being in the high 50's


Well-Known Member
Its not really about humidity but the chance water will drop out of the air and become available to mold spores already present.

Many grow in higher humidity just fine, moving air cannot build around bud and allow it to reach saturation point.

You can check the science of humidity for how it really works. Above 70% is not mold but it starts to increase the chances, you might start finding a hot stagnant area more prone at higher humidity.

Theres a lot of fluctuation from high to low at night to day, dry to rain and temperature differences elsewhere but deserts and rainforests can keep steady numbers for much longer than your average temperate or tropical zone.


Well-Known Member
Warming the air will reduce the RH% and it makes the air easier for the dehumidifier to pull moisture from. Just a little warming can make a good difference in RH%.

Lets take air thats at 69.8 F and 70% RH = 10.95 grams of h2o per kg of air. Warm that air up to 80.6F and the RH% is now about 47%. The warmer air is now easier to pull humidity from using the dehumidifier.
