

I'm currently 12 days into the vegging stage. I'm growing in a pc case, my temp is ranging from 70F - 75F and my RH is between 20-25. I've been reading that humidity should be in the 50-60 range for vegging, although I can't seem to bring mine up. I've tried a bowl of water and It did nothing at all, I've been misting the plants and still nothing. The plants look to be doing really well, so i'm not sure If I should be concerned or not. Should I just let It be?



Active Member
Should be fine, i think you should only worry if humidity gets to high cause that can cause mold. I never measure humidity or try and control it, i just make sure i have lots of fresh air going on my plants

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I track my humidity as importantly as temp. Humidity is more forgiving. I try to keep it above 40% and under 60% in veg and over 30% and under 45% in flower. These are not ideal ranges but they work well enough for me with my setup.


Well-Known Member
I track my humidity as importantly as temp. Humidity is more forgiving. I try to keep it above 40% and under 60% in veg and over 30% and under 45% in flower. These are not ideal ranges but they work well enough for me with my setup.
Roughly the same RH that i shoot for LittleT

good advice as always!



Hey guys thanks for the advice. The only problem is, I can't seem to bring up the RH to those desired levels. Can I just proceed with the current temp and humidity as is, or is this a problem?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried a bowl of water with a small wick in it.

Like a candle would have a wick just place a piece of cloth half in the bowl and half out.

Too low RH will cause leaf roll from the edges upwards and drying of the leaves due to the stomata closing and the plant will stop transpiring.



Damn! That's exactly what's starting to happen on on of em too. I thought maybe It was just the heat. I will try that method Jon, and thanks for the advice.