hummidity issue can it hurt me?


Well-Known Member
i have like 35 -40 %hummid in my grow room. they plants are thriving, every one of my seeds germinated and they are all doing awsome, but my hummidity is low as hell . so i went and took my sons hummidifier to see iof it would help. i ran it on high for 2 days and id swear the hummidity went down......YES IT IS A HUMMIDIFIER.
whats up with this and how bad is it for my girls? should i add another hummidifier? + rep should be between 40-60? or is it 60-80%?

do they do better in higher hummidity? because honestly i couldnt imagine these bad girls doing any better than they are....also when im flowering it is better to have low hummidity for resin production? right? wrong? help a fellow grower out.


Well-Known Member
humidity sorry bro a ton of spell checkers on here. Just trying to help.

Would not stress the humidity too much, but def replace what broke.


Well-Known Member
here we go, first the ideal veg humidity is between 55%-65% and flower is 45%-50%. Generally to low is better than too high. It is really just the Idal since humidity swings up and down all the time outdoors. Just means they might not hit their fastest grow speed, but wont cause any problems. During flower is lower to prevent bud mold so lower is better. the closer you can keep it to ideal the better, but as long as its not crazy low or high you'll be fine. I also drop my humidity to 20% or lower during the last 2 weeks to increase resin production. Hope this helps, any other questions, feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
I have seen some sick outdoor grows in Colorado where there is NO humidity except for whats in the soil. Don't sweat the humidity too much.


Well-Known Member
sorry guys when im typing fast my spelling is shit. hell its shit anyway. but um yeah the plants are kicking ass. so its not like i saw something that worried me. just when i bought a dwc bucket a meter came with it and it says that the humidity is dont worry too much? would leaving a bucket of water uncovered help? maybe ill hook up a 02 tank with a bubble humidifier and just run it constantly. fresh o2 couldnt hurt right? i have unlimited access to co2 and o2 is it worth bringing them into it? i do not have heat issues just humidity. my temp stays 70-75 all the time


New Member
ahahahahaha, are you kidding me? You're the guy who claimed to get have 60+ plants and got 3. something grams per watt and you're asking this noobe question? ahahahahahah Where the hell is Tom for this one BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i try and run a high humidity during veg,but i run 10% to 30% during flower. as long as you have good air flowyouwon'thave to worry about mold or meldew.


Active Member
I have also had my humidity between 25-40% and my plants seem to love it. With the humidity in that range also your are making it difficult for any unwanted bugs to live in your room.


Well-Known Member
seriously shut the fuck up. what because i dont know the proper use of co2 theres no way i got 4 zs off a plant. fuck you. all im trying to do is figure out ways to better my grow. i ask the same questions many times over and i want to hear different peoples opinions. so fuck off dick. if you dont want to add then go crawl back under your rock....

heres how i did it.
started with 15 super skunks, grown under a 400 hps 3 100 hps lamps and 6 4 foot floros. when those were ready to flower i was vegging the other 40 plants in 3 different spots. i bought a 600 watt hps to use for flower and over an 8 month period i had 65 plants that went through my grow. not all at the same time. a lot were staggered. so i harvested about 15 then a month later i harvested another 20 then a month later i did the same. and yeah dick head i pulled on average 3 oz, up to 4 oz off a lot of my was done that way and it worked. sorry your ass couldt pull something off like i did....


Well-Known Member
im at this moment trying to find the harvest pics i took but im pretty sure when my pc shit the bed during that grow that i lost em.


Well-Known Member
.... so i harvested about 15 then a month later i harvested another 20 then a month later i did the same. and yeah dick head i pulled on average 3 oz, up to 4 oz off a lot of my was done that way and it worked. sorry your ass couldt pull something off like i did....
I veg to 2-3 feet, then flower to 5-6 feet, using a topping technique and LST. I also have some secret things I never disclose. Been doin this a while now.

I am DISAPPOINTED if I only get 3oz per plant! I usally get 8oz or more. My goal is 1lb per plant INDOORS and yah its hard to hit that, but I have gotten it more than once.

Dont let wannabe's get your panties in a bunch dude. They cant grow big yields, so they cap on anyone who says they do.

PS: and let me qualify my statement. I am disappointed if I get less than 3oz, as much as any guy holdin 3 zips can be disappointed. hehehehe