humorIrish Psychiatrist Claims Cannabis 'Does More Damage To Humans Than Any Drug That Is Out There'


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Irish Psychiatrist Claims Cannabis 'Does More Damage To Humans Than Any Drug That Is Out There'

An Irish psychiatrist made quite a stir at the Irish Medical Organisation Annual General Meeting with his comments regarding medical marijuana on April 5. "It is a compound that I would love to be banished from the planet. It does more damage to humans than any drug that is out there,” Dr. Matthew Sadlier said during his presentation as recorded by the Irish Examiner.

Sadlier stated cannabis must be subjected to the same research practices other medical substances are.

“There should not be any short-cut legislation specifically on medical cannabis that is not evidence-based.”

He claims cannabis has not been shown to be an effective medical substance (a blatant fallacy) and that at least a third of the patients he sees require psychiatric help because of their cannabis use.

"It is a destructive, nasty, evil drug and a lot of people are trying to pretend that it does not have side-effects and that it does not have negative consequences. It tears apart families; it tears apart lives and it tears apart our country."

While we tend to agree that marijuana research could be seriously expanded, the rest of Sadlier's comments are exactly the kind of fearmongering that prevents that sort of work from moving forward.
The drugs they use for mental illness seem to more trial and error than science to me.
They seem to basically experiment on each person with wildly varying results.
Almost seems more like a guess than anything.
Totally, my cousin was a victim to this torture. He fought hard for 18 months with mental health. Ended up taking his own life a few days ago. Sometimes the people with the biggest smiles are the ones hurting the most.
It’s sad they ask people who are ill if they have considered suicide?
And the ill person says, no of course not!
And they give them the medication.
Which enables their brain only to react at a certain mental level which will not let then get by their thoughts of suicide and so they do it!
Its how the drug works but ill People are supposed to tell the truth?
ask Robin Williams who isn’t here anymore ,
but talked about it all the time in his work!!!! :(
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Totally, my cousin was a victim to this torture. He fought hard for 18 months with mental health. Ended up taking his own life a few days ago. Sometimes the people with the biggest smiles are the ones hurting the most.
I know that story VERY well. I lost a child to it.
Totally, my cousin was a victim to this torture. He fought hard for 18 months with mental health. Ended up taking his own life a few days ago. Sometimes the people with the biggest smiles are the ones hurting the most.
My deepest condolences to you FarmerJ....It will be a long and painful journey I'm sorry to say for his family. RIP to him. How old was he?
My deepest condolences to you FarmerJ....It will be a long and painful journey I'm sorry to say for his family. RIP to him. How old was he?
Thanks for the kind words. He was only
25. He was born on my 8th birthday. He went to college for engineering and became a lead plant operator. Got laid off a couple years ago. Didn't really have a steady job since. I think that his depression/bipolar/anxiety they diagnosed him with started around then, not sure if it was before the lay off or after. The company he worked for laid off many people that week, It wasn't just him. I offered him a job quite a few times but he always had a strange reason to turn it down. About a year and half ago his parents made him go to the hospital. They put him on meds and I believe things got even worse from there.

He came and worked for me in February, roughnecking, but he had a hard time focusing on even simple tasks. I had to double check all his work and usually redo most of it or stop him from doing it wrong when I noticed. Simple things that would be nothing compared to the responsibilities he had as a plant operator. I was a little tough on him because I wanted him to do better. I knew he had so much potential, if he wasn't sick, him being my assistant would be a waste of it He called in sick a lot, and ended up quitting on me three weeks ago. He left on awkward terms, kinda just had a freak out over nothing and quit. I only talked to him once on the phone since then. I feel terrible about it now. I wish there was something that could have been done to prevent it from ending up this way.

I know that story VERY well. I lost a child to it.
So sorry man, that's such a terrible thing for any family to experience. As a father I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, especially like that.