Hung over like a MOFO...but Merry Christmas.


Active Member
Love you all in my very own special way..I really do. I miss fuckin around up here and one of my new years resolutions is to be up here more often :p

Very hungover from Hennessy & Coke...time to fire up a fatty to make it all better :eyesmoke:

Who else is getting baked out of their mind before the epic Christmas Dinner?

I know I am :weed:


Well-Known Member
Bah, hangovers... Never had one and never will XP

Check out the other 'Merry Christmas'/'I'm getting fucked up right now' threads to see what everyone is doing.

Welcome back, by the way :3

Drink plenty of water to stop your brain imploding or something X3

Many hugs and nuzzles. Did you make a christmas cake? x