Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes - all of which have recently hit the East Coast


Well-Known Member
so, what's next!?! I mean, holy shit man. There are also wildfires going crazy in Texas.

You also have historical flooding in NJ/NY - which both states are about to get fucked again because there's another hurricane heading towards the East Coast. I don't think its going to be a direct hit, but they're saying that NY/NJ could see a repeat of what happened with the first one.

They're saying by the time it reaches the East Coast of the U.S., that the storm should be downgraded to just a tropical storm. Yeah, just a tropical storm, no big deal. heh.

I don't know, but when I see and hear about all these new historical events taking place combined with the 'gut feeling' or 'sense' that something bigger is on its way.. I honestly wonder of these events are just the precursors to the final huge event

We'll just have to wait and see, that's all we can do is wait and see what comes our way as 2012 approaches.

I'm EXTREMELY curious as to what events take place during the early months of 2012.. especially during the summer months of 2012.

I know that scientists are saying that the sun will be throwing some extremely powerful, more powerful than they've ever seen, solar flares from extremely violent solar storms from the suns surface. They're saying that we could possibly get hit by some of these flares, which can cause major problems. Such as global power surges and power outages and can damage our Ozone layer as well as other layers of our atmosphere, which are mostly responsible for keeping the radiation and flares from entering our lower atmosphere to begin with..

So, if it destroys our protection from smaller and much minor flares and or radiation from the sun.. we're fucked IMO.

I don't know. 50% says something is coming.. then the other 50% of me says we'll be fine and that if something does happen, it probably won't be anything major.

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

I don't think there has been anymore earthquakes, floods or hurricanes this year than years prior. They are called Natural Events. When we stop having them is when you need to go crawl under your bed. This is normal.
Even though we've had our differences in the past... I have to, and couldn't agree with you more! I've done white a bit if research on this 2012 subject, and he mayans... And here's what I have found. Whether it be fact or fiction, it's what I took into account.

The mayans never said the end of the World was coming, they said that the date is when ALL the planets would be aligned in a straight line. Though, ive never heard anything about the sun throwing solar flares... If the case is the planets being aligned, that would cause major MAJOR gravity pulls on th earth. As we all, or should all know waves are caused from the moon which is the gravitational pull on earth. So if all the planets are aligned, think about what kind of tidal waves will be arriving.

If it's true that there's solar flares, I would say that's even worse. But the probability of a solar flare reaching earth is astronomical, but very possible. Either way, it's something I'm feeling the same as you about... 50% worried, and 50% considering is gonna be like the year 2000. That everything was going to crash... But never did.

It's scary not for me as a human... But I worry for my kids... I'm more worried about how scared they would be, and how worried they would be.... If they would have a quick death, or slow and painful... Or even worse, and this sounds so bad, but what if they survived it and my wife and I didn't.... What would they be going through. This is something that if it is a REAL possibility, the government should be telling and warning people.
our budget for natural disaster relief is FUCKED form the last year of shitstorms. so much damage done by the tornados, flooding and hurricanes. Plus htere was that minor quake in DC...thank god damage form that was minimal
Cme's actually reach earth on a daily basis as shown by intense aroura borealis. Even the Mayan long count calendar doesn't say 2012 will be the end of civilization, but rather it is the end of yet another baktuhn (spelling?). On that note, I think there will be a change, maybe not on the exact date, but who knows for certain. Solar activity is on the rise. A large enough cme can while out the power grid. With that happening, it can and would change life on earth as we know it.
everybody hunker down. here come the shit storms:o

The tail end of hurricane Katia blew down all our fences and my laundry OUT OF THE WINDOW AND INTO THE NEIGHBOR'S YARD. Arg. I'm lucky there's no real damage here except for trees falling into peoples' cars/houses and stuff.
i remember a stat from a few years back that said statistically rhode island and connecticut are the two safest states when it comes to weather. usually the northeast only needs to worry about winter shit but the past few years have been a pain in the ass. ice storms, tornadoes, tropical storms, earthquakes, floods...cali has earthquakes but a big chunk of the state has beautiful weather all year long. the plains get all those tornadoes but they have great farm land/climate. the south suffers in the summer but has easy winters. we live here in the northeast and suffer miserable shifts in extremes of climates and fucked up winters and can have ANY weather event, and our reward is SUPPOSED to be to have the safest weather on average...what the fuck, mother nature? that fucking storm just blew half the apples off the trees. same story last year because of some storm. i wanted to pick those.
New Mexico doesn't have large earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes or plagues of locust. We do, however, have bubonic plague, hantavirus, wild fires, droughts, tornadoes, tourists, and the odd spy or two. Not too bad.