Hydro dipping?

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
I want to try hydro dipping the container lids and 2" white PVC plumbing lines on a few RDWC under current systems that I designed. Not only for the light proofing, but also a cool visual appearance while i'm at it.

First a coat of black & white sprayed on. Then fill a bucket with water and apply different spray paint colors to the surface. Mask off and dip the parts into it, and then dry them.

And the final step I could use some help with. Clear coat it with food safe epoxy? I worry the clear coating would crack when taking the lids off though. Wondering what product would work best to protect the paint job, whether it be flat black or hydro dipped?

I want something that gauranteed will not flake off easily, and hold up good. Non toxic. If anyone knows of something to clear coat the painted lids with please let me know!