Hydro DWC PPM Question


Well-Known Member
Starting my 4th week of flowering and my PPM is around 550. Each week I have added a little more nutes and when I empty the res the PPM goes down about 35 PPms.... Should I just keep gradually raising the nutes each week??? Also the drop in ppm from the start of the new rez change to about 6 days later is because my plant wants more nutes right ??? Is the 35 PPM drop a big deal?? I am at about 40% nutes using general hydroponics, should I go up to 50 % nutes next week ?? Or am I ok ??
how quickly are your PPM levels dropping? if your plants need more nutes they will be eating the shit outa the rez

*edit* lol gotta stop hitting the pipes before I comment, you sound ok man if you start sucking more nutes up that shit *edit*
I would say your doin ok. A 35 ppm drop over a week is probably not a bad thing. I really know little about hydro as I am on my 4th grow but my plants drop about the same and they are happy, happy! I am running a bit higher at 700 tds @ .5 conv.. You could add a bit more but 50% might be alot, its hard to remove I have found lol. How do the plants look? If it was me I would leave it the same or maybe get it up to 600 and watch it. Is your pen .5 or .7 conversion? I think the normal level is around 1200 ec for the middle of flower but again I am just learning and reading lol.
wtf is this thread

I have read tons of forums and everyone speaks about having 1500-2000ppm nutes near the end of flowering, and everytime I put my DWC near 1000, it goes into complete shock and all the leaves get nuked. 700 ppm is the magic spot for me, through out the whole grow.
I don't check it,I use ablittle more than half what GH calls for then try to read the plant for less or more. Then a lot of times less is more with them.Peace
I can run the same strains in aero. at 1200ppm with no issues but over 700 in dwc and they burn. With roots constantly in contact with nutes in dwc they need less
it sounds like you're doing perfect. i'd probably bump it up one more time. for most strains weeks 4-6 is when they're peaking out. personally after wk 6 i usually start dropping ppm about 10% per wk.
I would say you are close to the sweet spot. III don't go over 600 in dwc.

Ok so the goal is starting ppm with new rez change should equal the ppm at end of rez.... Another question say my ppm now is 550 and my tap water is 150 ppm. Does that mean my ppm is 550 or really like 400??
the last grow i did in dwc i never change the waterjust add more nutes till the end than only water and let the plant finish the nutes a week or to before harvast time and i NEVER got in 800 ppms
wtf is this thread

I have read tons of forums and everyone speaks about having 1500-2000ppm nutes near the end of flowering, and everytime I put my DWC near 1000, it goes into complete shock and all the leaves get nuked. 700 ppm is the magic spot for me, through out the whole grow.

Wow 2000 lol no buano
That post was for the op, not you dumbass. All strains are different and i was going by his measurements. But congratulations, I have many strains that could handle that ppm also, they just produce better at certain lower ppms. It's not plant size.
Just because your plant can take said ppm strength does't mean thats where it should be for optimal plant growth!
all about dailing in :)
Ok update:

Last couple times I set my PPM to 550 and it would drop to about 515. This last res change and set ppm to 550 and two days after it went to the same 515. Skip ahead 4 days today and the PPM was 680. Before this I made a new batch of news and I set the PPM to 775, is this a problem???
So the PPm going from 550 to 680 in 6 days is telling me that its overfeed.. SO like I said did nutes before hand and set to 775, now Im overfeeding more so my ppm in 6 days should be what 900??????
It's still a positive increase and means they were taking more water. Just set it at 550it next time you start a res and just watch it. Don't add anything unless it changes by more than 50-75.