Hydro Guys let me know if my thinking is correct.


New Member
So I am doing the stinkbud system for some time now and its worked ok, but I think I been lucky. Lately my reservior has been dropping in PH for some reason, usually it stays constant. Today I took a ppm meter which I usually don't until I mix fresh solution and it was low.

Now I figured that the ppm will stay constant while the depletion of the water. I thought wrong.

So here is my thinking that may help take my guessing out when I check my reservior:

If the ppm is lower and the ph is lower after water usage the plants need more ppm in the water/nute mixture.

If the ppm is higher and ph higher after water usage then I am running the mixture too hot.

If this is correct, I can dial in my nutes pretty accurately. if not let me know cause I am smoking and thinking....