Hydro with no nutes?

:wall:hey everyone, I know this question is kinda noobish but I was wanting everyones opinion on vegging with no nutes?my plants are 2 weeks old and im out of my reciepe for success kit. is it asfe to let them go another week or two before hitting them with some flower nutes? ill be picking up antoher kit next week. thanks guys!!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
They are probably going to start looking very nute deficient if they are sitting in plain water for two weeks

Illegal Smile

If safe means they won't die then it is probably safe. But if safe means you won't cut your eventual yield in half or worse then no, it isn't safe.


Well-Known Member
:wall:hey everyone, I know this question is kinda noobish but I was wanting everyones opinion on vegging with no nutes?my plants are 2 weeks old and im out of my reciepe for success kit. is it asfe to let them go another week or two before hitting them with some flower nutes? ill be picking up antoher kit next week. thanks guys!!!:leaf:
You say your plants are two weeks old they are in veg . What kind of system you running? You can give them veg nutes something high in nitrogen prior to giving them flower nutes once you go 12/12 I give my babies veg nutes the first two weeks of 12/12. Hope this helps good luck