Hydrofarm Timer Question...


Hello all. I have a question regarding the Hydrofarm timer model TM01015D with dual outlets.

I want to power two ballast with this. One ballast is 400 watts, the other 430 watts. By my calculations, the two ballast together should be less than 7 amps. The timer is rated for 15 amps, 1725 watts, 120 volts. Does anyone here use one for this? Is it safe? It all seems to be doable but I was hoping to get some real life experience from someone out there that uses the same timer for a similar use. Any reason I should not do this?
Any comments appreciated. :)
Those look like some nice timers Smoke!
I am not using 240v on this setup... this is a 120v setup. I should of mentioned that before, my bad. This setup uses a single forced-air cooled hood with a 400HPS & a 430MH.
So there should be no safety issues running both ballast? They just looked a little cheesy for me to trust em' even though it claims to be rated for it. That would work out great for this design, and they are only about $15!
The only problem I've had with the cheap ones is reliablity. It REALLY sucks when the lights are supposed to go off at 10, but you check on them at 11:30 and they're still on! GRRRRR. Keep an eye on it ;)