Hydrogen Peroxide Wash


Well-Known Member
I wanted to do a hydrogen peroxide wash to wash off any PM that may be present or any bugs on my grow from outdoors.

How much hydrogen peroxide should I be placing in a bucket with how much water?

I don’t wanna use too much and make my harvest funky. I also plan on doing a fresh water rinse after the initial hydrogen peroxide rinse.

First time doing a wash.
One teaspoon per cup and spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves. I know it looks like it's only on top, but it's usually on the bottoms too! Spray the whole plant and kill it all!!! Serenade is a good organic spray to use as well after you wash. It has living bacteria in it that battle the fungus for a long while after you spray. Good stuff
Well the plants are coming down very soon. I read about doing a wash in a bucket oppose to spraying them. How much h2o2 would I toss in a bucket to rinse them?

I usually do spray but forgot this year so I wanna give them a thorough wash before hanging to dry
Hydrogen peroxide breaks down quickly into clean water.
For the feed 0.5/1 ml per litre 17.5%
To fight problems 1 to 2ml per litre.
For cleaning/sterilising 10ml per litre.
For foliar feed 1 ml per litre.
Soaking seeds 2ml per litre.

I've used it as a pest control at 30ml per litre, as always spray a couple of leafs to test and leave for a couple of days.
This is my method now. Two buckets. One with warmish water (around 20C) that I mix 1 cup H202, 2tbsp baking soda and 2tbsp lemon juice per 5gal. (some people do three buckets and have a bucket each for H202 and soda/lemon juice). Then rinse in a bucket with cold water. Hang to dry as normal. Done this for four harvests now and I'm very happy with the results. No issues, no loss of quality, tastes better than my previous non-washed harvests. good luck!
Try it with an outdoor crop of yours. You will be surprised by how much shit, crap, bugs, spiders, and overall crap floats in the buckets afterwards! Otherwise you woulda been smoking that crap..
Ah right, I never had given that a thought, outdoor growing isn't really an option for me, I've still to experiment with auto in the UK.
Every day is a school day at Riu thumbs.
Try it with an outdoor crop of yours. You will be surprised by how much shit, crap, bugs, spiders, and overall crap floats in the buckets afterwards! Otherwise you woulda been smoking that crap..
That's true, but you do understand that all of it gets ground up in the grinder.