Hydrogen peroxide


Well-Known Member
First time using hydrogen peroxide, and what I understand is extra oxygen. Which would only have extra benefits for cannabis soil as far as I can read. As well as killing other past. Particularly using it for a lite case of pm. 2 weeks from finish or less I applied a good dose today. Also applied it to her sister. Sister has been fine. However ready to pull if this doesn't help. Any other suggestion, as I understand I'll have to do a hydrogen peroxide get after to remove any spores. I used a liter sprayed on one plant. Would there not be a benefit to using hydrogen peroxide all throughout grow. Or would it dry out roots. I say that as I think of hydrogen peroxide is drying things at the end of the day.
mmmmmmmh...I use every season to help germinate seeds in water and a cup. I also used against mildew or bud rot after I cut out, I'll spray the rest of the plant. I also oxygenate my feeding nukes and water.
First time using hydrogen peroxide, and what I understand is extra oxygen. Which would only have extra benefits for cannabis soil as far as I can read. As well as killing other past. Particularly using it for a lite case of pm. 2 weeks from finish or less I applied a good dose today. Also applied it to her sister. Sister has been fine. However ready to pull if this doesn't help. Any other suggestion, as I understand I'll have to do a hydrogen peroxide get after to remove any spores. I used a liter sprayed on one plant. Would there not be a benefit to using hydrogen peroxide all throughout grow. Or would it dry out roots. I say that as I think of hydrogen peroxide is drying things at the end of the day.
I add in H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) every time I mix up a res. If you’re going more than a few days you will have to add again as it gasses off fast.
Peroxide can damage leaves a bit. I tested some on a dandelion once. It didn’t kill the plant but it did cause some damage to the foliage.
Peroxide can damage leaves a bit. I tested some on a dandelion once. It didn’t kill the plant but it did cause some damage to the foliage.
how much did you use? a few drops at a time diluted in water. did you dilute it? I use for germinating and sometimes add to my 5gal water pail..few drops at a time!
how much did you use? a few drops at a time diluted in water. did you dilute it? I use for germinating and sometimes add to my 5gal water pail..few drops at a time!

I sprayed the plant with peroxide from a drugstore, the same stuff that people spray on minor wounds for first aid. I used enough to cover the small weed, just like I would use an herbicide.
thats supposed to be added to a water solution by the drops. thats too strong out of the bottle. Take a $1 new spray bottle, don't re-used spray bottles that had disinfectant in them. Fill it up with plain water and add the peroxide in a few DROPS! I mainly use for seed germination but no problems adding to the water or feeds throughout my grow......sparingly like once a month.
If you're Organic Peroxide kills Microbs.
i mainly use during float germination.........i also dilute..drops per cup. most use too strong and as a fungicide. I use bio advance 5oz per gallon!! Most people forget about the per GALLON part! I have more success when i do less!