hydroponic bonsai


Well-Known Member
Can you/ has anyone tried to do a hydroponic bonsai.
my vision mixes hydroponices and aquaponics.
to mix land and water
to make the ultimate lanscape

it would be awsome to have my own mini forest made to look like and island over top roots and fish

not like the aquaponics where the fish are in a table below the plants.

but the ones that you can buy in the small kit where its all one peice

so its like the bonsai is growing out of the aquarium


Well-Known Member
Sorry.. I don't think that will work.

Bonsai is achieved by constricting the root space and regularly trimming it back.
I can't picture a hydro system which achieves this... it would either provide for the plant in a way that it doesn't bonsai or it would fail as a system and just make the plant sick.

Also you say roots with fish in the same water? That won't work either with a lot of plant species
If the roots are aerated enough to avoid infection and provide for the plant- the fish will be in turbulence and will hate it.
Some plants can survive low oxygen at the root zone, so maybe one of those but that really limits you.... plus if it survives on low oxygen to the root zone, I imagine it's a rather slow growing an small stature plant anyway... and bonsai is about making a plant that would be big grow small.
Then there is pathogens. A Deep Water Culture (DWC) grow usually makes use of sterylisers like h202 or chlorine but that would hurt the fish and the organic fertilizer in the water.

Sorry to be a dream killer

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Yes it can work doing a bonsi DWC setup. The container size is the biggest thing that you have to look for.


Well-Known Member
Are you speaking from experience or maybe you have an example you can show?

What would tell the roots that they can't grow wider in a DWC? You can take the whole root system of the average sized indoor cannabis plant, roll it into a ball and it would be only a couple liters in volume- If you did bunch the roots up like that into a soil pot it would hate it and suffer-not least of all because there is no room for soil between the roots. But if you bunched it up like that in a hydro setting it will stay alive. It will keep growing more roots! Nothing will send a signal to the plant to reduce it's above ground growth and thus it will not bonsai.

But if i'm wrong, please do send some photo's or hard facts that say so


Well-Known Member
Ahhh i have found a new project i will be starting soon and keeping you all posted.

i have 2 dwarf umbrellas, one which im in the process of braiding together.
i feel confident, i think the tropical tree would do well.
i also have an alberta spruce cutting that i think ill experiment with