Hydroponic Question!!!help!


Active Member
can someone tell me if this hydroponic system will work, and if it will, will it work in my closet? It's about 8X4X8, a walk-in closet.

The system is from Four Plant Super Deal: 5 gallon Four Plant Kit with 125w light!
I would upgrade to the "Saturn" bulbs! I'm just worried the lights might not be enough for four plants growing in the 5 gallon container. Would this be too much for my closet? And if so, it has an adjoining attic.

Peace, Love, Music :peace:


Well-Known Member
s ayatem like that would work great, but dont buy one, make one they are easy to make, and its only going to cost like 30 bucks to make


Active Member
Well I am growing in two different types of hydroponics systems.....I have some plants in buckets and then me and my brother made an ebb and flow system...We got the supplies from walmart...2 10gal storage tubs and then we put them on top of each other and have pipes running fromone to the other...the one tube pumps the water up into the one tub and then we have another tube that is the run off that the water goes back into the bottom tub...it was easy and cheap and my cali orange are lookin great so far

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
First grow? Go with a soil grow until you dial your room in and have some success. IMO, unless you already know something about nutrients, pH, temps, root diseases, and growing marijuana in general the *hydro* learning curve and possible problems are a bit *high* (nyuk..nyuk) for the average noob with a CFL light and some double digit rated fertilizers in hand...


good luck

bt dt


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice guys. I suppose you can call it taking the easy way out, but i think i'm just going to germinate in a cup of miracle grow garden soil then transplant outdoors. I want to start outdoors because in North Carolina, this end of April seems like the perfect time to start some seeds since the frost is all gone and there is plenty of sun during the day. Any more advice about growing in general would still be greatly appreciated, considering I am a noob.