Hydroponics w/LED lights


New Member
Hello! I am new here so hopefully I figure out how to use this site quickly. Anyways, I've been currently growing for 2 months now and I have a little over 2 foot tall plant growing. The plant is Candy Kush, Indica Hybrid. Can't wait til she is done growing.

I am currently using VF-11 for nutrients plus some Miracle Grow for some extra Nitrogen. I am using BloomBoss LED grow lights too. Seriously, LED grow lights may seem expensive, both of these cost 180 each though, depending on where you get them, and cover a 2 square foot area with at least 12-14 inches from the plant. The plant seems to be loving the light though.


I am using Perlite held down by a layer of rock pebbles. The system is a simple system every 8 hours it waters the plant. It takes about 1 minute to fill and then 15-25 minutes to drain completely.
This is my first time growing. What do you guys think? Every leaf looks very healthy and not a single one is burned or yellow. I am starting the flowering stage now. The plant was on a 24/0 light cycle with cool down periods. Does it matter to edge the plant down to 12 hour cycle rather than turning it straight to 12 hour cycle?


Well-Known Member
I don't think it maters much but I flip from veg strait to 12/12 imediately with no problems, your system seems to be working good, nice going, you should do fine, may want to invest in an TDS meter to help keep track of you ppm's if you don't have one already, I would assume you watch your ph and maintain 5.8, best of luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Indicas prefer lower hours of light, even in veg

Net time consider 14-15 on, then the drop to 12/12 isn't as traumatic

Just cause you can't hear them complaining, a straight drop is not a great idea


New Member
Thanks! I did notice as I dropped to 16 hours on it started to flourish again, and even now that it is on a 12/12 cycle it seems to be working very well ^^

Here is a recent photo of the plant starting on the 12/12 light cycle:


Well-Known Member
Nice job! Just a thought though, is it not better to let the PH rise to around 6ish when in flower? I let it get up to 6.1-6.3. Noob here as well so just asking lol. Also i do drop the schedule gradually, not sure why lol, I try to limit the stretch and heard that helps.


New Member
Indicas prefer lower hours of light, even in veg

Net time consider 14-15 on, then the drop to 12/12 isn't as traumatic

Just cause you can't hear them complaining, a straight drop is not a great idea
What do you know about trimming? My plant right now is very bushy and I heard if leaves don't get all the light then you loose yield and potency. Should I clip all the leaves currently not getting hit by light?

Here is a current image of the plant. I think I got a little too big for 2 LED bloomboss lights.
It has been 1 week now since I placed the plant on a 12/12 cycle of light.



Well-Known Member
My trimming technique is to remove lowest shade leafs. Once plant has 5 nodes, I remove lowest 2 nodes shade leafs. After that I keep the top 3 sets of shade leafs.

I also remove shade leafs from bottom side of branches

Pic 1 is 2 plants. Tallest on left is Melanie. She is now ~ 29" tall. Enlarge to see leafs and branches

View attachment 2850404View attachment 2850405


New Member
My trimming technique is to remove lowest shade leafs. Once plant has 5 nodes, I remove lowest 2 nodes shade leafs. After that I keep the top 3 sets of shade leafs.

I also remove shade leafs from bottom side of branches

Pic 1 is 2 plants. Tallest on left is Melanie. She is now ~ 29" tall. Enlarge to see leafs and branches

View attachment 2850404View attachment 2850405

Hey I have a question, can a flowering clone that is female become a hermaphrodite from too much stress? Stress being too much/little light or nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Hey I have a question, can a flowering clone that is female become a hermaphrodite from too much stress? Stress being too much/little light or nutrients?

Yes any stressed plant can go hermie it's important to look after them and in return they'll flourish!


Well-Known Member
Wicked! Your plant will show you if it starting to get stressed, I wouldnt worry about it. Hope your grow goes well :)
My first grow went hermie. I'm thinking light leaks were the culprit but many folks say any stress can cause it with certain strains. If you see bananas early in the grow clip them out so they don't pollinate the flowers. I ended up with a few seeds on the hermies roommate. Bummer.