
You know how hydroponics have many deigns right?
but how bout the design where the plant is floating on water.
wont that give the plant overwatering?


Well-Known Member
maybe you should consider a flood table. its easy to set up and easier to operate, but you need to consider other factors for successful hydro growing, like water temps, water above 72F is no good. many hydro ops, actually the most successful ones i seen have air conditioners in the room. with the flood table you can use a cheap rubbermade for a resivoir, a pump, a timer and drain fittings, some net pots and clay pellets and your good to go


Well-Known Member
hey cruz hows it growing. hey morris did that guy ever get a grow in. are you still working with him


Well-Known Member
hey morris did that guy ever do a grow and are you still working with him, whats up cruz should see the grow its looking good


Well-Known Member
You are talking about the hydro with a conatant water supply right the nft system nutrient film tecnique.this can be a great way of getting to grips with hydro growing but i would make sure that a secondry small fish pump is put into the resivour to airate the water the constant supply of water just trickleling over the bottom of the cubes.i would also invest in some caps that go over the top of the cubes with a slot for the plant to grow through if you don't light heat water=mould growth on the topof the bube's whitch can become a problem.do what i did when i had one of these systems use small squares of tin foil with a hole cut out so plant just fits through and keep makeing a new one has the plants get older.This was the first hydro system ever made i might be wrong but i'm sure that it was it can produce some excellant results though,start flowering small for best results because a constant supply of nutrients means big big plants.Also when changeing the water clean out the tank this can be a bitch when they get bigger so i only use to do this up till a certain size,and always make sure that the root system goes back into the sytem and don't get trapped on the outside i once did this and lost alot of the yeiled the plants did not die dut bigger roots mean bigger buds.You will not belive the root system at the end of each grow it fills the resiviour so add a little hydr proxide to the nutrient mix then ph. good luck tyke out.