Hydroton net pot into coco

Hello about to do a run. Im going to start in 4 inch net pots filled with hydroton. I will top water until roots show. Then i will put the entire net pot into a 1 gallon pot with coco. Anyone ever do this? Feedback appreciated... Hope all is well
Is there some reason you don't just start in coco? Why do you want to start in hydroton and net pots? I've never done it and I don't understand why you would so if you have a reason for doing it that way I'm interested to hear it.
I do the same but I use a peat pot. Stick the peat pot in the coco. Coco in the pot. Sprouted seed to the peat pot.

Makes it easy to water the sprout. But once it punches through the pot. Growth is fast and furious.
Is there some reason you don't just start in coco? Why do you want to start in hydroton and net pots? I've never done it and I don't understand why you would so if you have a reason for doing it that way I'm interested to hear it.

Ive got some in coco now. The ones in hydroton are going in dwc but have 3 left over and just wanted to try it.
Ive got some in coco now. The ones in hydroton are going in dwc but have 3 left over and just wanted to try it.

That makes sense. I was thinking maybe they were going into hydro but you changed your mind. The roots will grow right through the net pot just as they would if you were going to put them in DWC. I just had to ask as so many people do things for no reason. That's not the case here.

Good luck with your grow.
Hello about to do a run. Im going to start in 4 inch net pots filled with hydroton. I will top water until roots show. Then i will put the entire net pot into a 1 gallon pot with coco. Anyone ever do this? Feedback appreciated... Hope all is well
I’ve done similar (not truly the same) but without problems.