Hydroton or 6" rockwool? WHICH DO YOU PREFER


Well-Known Member
i am using a flow and drip system, what are the ups and downs of using rockwool, and using hydroton


Well-Known Member
Flow and drip?

Anyhow, rockwool is very very tricky if you're just starting out.. you need to be very dilligent in checking your ph levels etc and have accurate testing tools...

I prefer hydroton.. And if you go the rockwool route, don't go cheap, get the good stuff. Funny you should even mention this, I just finished reading an article on the difficulties of rockwool and the article really drove it home to stay away from it if you're a nube grower..

Best of luck with whatever you choose..


Well-Known Member
i will untill they are larger, and ill be watering twice a day once when the lights come on and once roughly four hours before they shut off, 15 minutes at a time


Well-Known Member
rockwool is itchey and bitchey! i dig hydroton alot more, just make sure ur PUMP DONT FAIL, ur plant will be toast in a matter of hours. an air pump with air stones in the bottom res will help with oxygenation and a constant stir on the nute batch. OXYGEN IS THE KEY TO A HEAVY HARVEST.


Well-Known Member
It's very easy to fuck up with rockwool. If that shit gets too soaked with water it could harm your plants, also if it too soaked with a nutrient solution it can get high levels of salt built up. Basically, if you're using rockwool you need to be on top of your shit.

If you can clone your plants and develop a nice rooting system that way and by pass using rockwool. I'd recommend that. I.E. you clone a plant let those clones get nice and long roots in a cloner (about 2-4 weeks) then you transfer them into pots filled with expanded clay pellets. You'd most likely need a small stick to hold the plants up till they got bigger if you did this method.


Well-Known Member
rockwool all around sucks, and is really out dated, try root riot plugs or the other one there is they dont require watering at all if u keep the humidity High! i have 100% sucess rate with my clones using these things.