Hypoaspis Miles overpopulating in soil!! PICS INCLUDED


Active Member
So i've recently noticed small white/clear mite looking bugs crawling around the edges of my pots and after further inspection (catching the fuckers on a piece of tape and looking at them under 100x) they're hypoaspis miles.

I use fox farm happy frog and ocean forest and I think they may have come from the soil.

These little things are supposed to be great right?? Well the issue I am having is that there are so many of them!!! They feed off fungus gnat larvae and thrip pupae and other stuff that you DON'T want. But I don't have any of those bugs therefore I don't understand how these little predatory mites are thriving! They aren't eating my plants or roots and they aren't affecting my plants' health or production.

I'm curious to see if anyone else has had this problem, and if I should be worried or just let the creepy little fuckers do their thing?
I've never seen those before. Is there a more common name for them? Sorry, just curious without any input.
If they are in fact hypoaspis miles, be glad. No need to do a thing. If their population exploded, it's likely because they have found a food source in your soil. Once they have munched all of whatever it is that attracted them, they will die off on their own.
SpicySativa, is there another soil dwelling mite that closely resembles the hypoaspis miles that you know of?? These things are textbook hypoaspis miles when i look at them under magnification.