Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
This is a two edged blade and I'm in a dilemma. I have been unemployed for over two years now. I have put in literally hundreds of applications and resumés. I finally had an interview with a local government division. It has to do with emergency services. That's all I'm saying.
We started out with an "orientation." During the orientation given by the director of the division, he stated that he will never hire anyone with a history of meth or cannabis usage. He basically said that once a person's tries either "drug" he is useless to society and will not hire anyone with either drug in their history.
This was, of course, after he had acted like Cannabis was cool with him and got a couple of people to joke around with him about it. Some even admitted to enjoying a bowl every now and then.
I kept my mouth shut. I knew what was coming.
That's when he came down like a bag of rocks and all but told the ones joking around about usage to leave. He made it plain that they didn't have a snow ball's chance in Hell of being hired by him.
Here's the kicker.
He then went on to praise the wonders of alcohol and how it was the only thing that got him through the week. I thought it was another trap but he was dead serious about it and his supervisors were nodding their heads in agreement (more in adoration if you ask me). Anyway, he went on like that for a good 15-20 minutes. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.
Here is my dilemma. Do I match his hypocrisy with my own by being a closet toker? The irony is that medical cannabis is legal here.. for now. I know I can pass the piss test but do I really want to work for such an asshole?
Two years folks. Two years without a job. :: sigh ::
We started out with an "orientation." During the orientation given by the director of the division, he stated that he will never hire anyone with a history of meth or cannabis usage. He basically said that once a person's tries either "drug" he is useless to society and will not hire anyone with either drug in their history.
This was, of course, after he had acted like Cannabis was cool with him and got a couple of people to joke around with him about it. Some even admitted to enjoying a bowl every now and then.
I kept my mouth shut. I knew what was coming.
That's when he came down like a bag of rocks and all but told the ones joking around about usage to leave. He made it plain that they didn't have a snow ball's chance in Hell of being hired by him.
Here's the kicker.
He then went on to praise the wonders of alcohol and how it was the only thing that got him through the week. I thought it was another trap but he was dead serious about it and his supervisors were nodding their heads in agreement (more in adoration if you ask me). Anyway, he went on like that for a good 15-20 minutes. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.
Here is my dilemma. Do I match his hypocrisy with my own by being a closet toker? The irony is that medical cannabis is legal here.. for now. I know I can pass the piss test but do I really want to work for such an asshole?
Two years folks. Two years without a job. :: sigh ::